
Republican Democracy: The GOP Hypocrisy

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Don’t look now, folks, but there appears to be a stark difference between actual democracy and Republican Democracy.

Politics :
The GOP has long claimed to be the ultimate protector of the US Constitution and all things involving America’s forefathers. However, we’re now learning that their position is a bunch of baloney and only kicks in when “democracy” matches their conservative political ideals and evangelical religious morals — otherwise known as ‘Republican Democracy.’

Republican Democracy

Recently, lawmakers in Ohio put democracy to the test by asking voters to decide if a woman’s right to choose and legal marijuana should be approved and written into the state’s constitution. Republicans expected voters to reject the measures. However, Ohioans unexpectedly and overwhelmingly approved both amendments, angering conservatives who couldn’t comprehend how actual democracy dared to beat out their Republican Democracy.

Now, GOP lawmakers in the Ohio state legislature are threatening to use political maneuvers to overturn the democratic will of the people simply because the outcome of the vote didn’t meet their expectations by matching ‘Republican Democracy.’

Republican Democracy
Rep. Gross

According to CBS News, 4 state GOP lawmakers announced in a press release last week that they will attempt to negate the vote that made a woman’s right to choose and marijuana legal in Ohio. Their plan is to strip state judges of the power to enforce the new amendments to the Ohio Constitution, which would effectively erase the will of the people.

“State lawmakers will consider removing jurisdiction from the judiciary over this ambiguous ballot initiative,” the Ohio Republicans said. “The Ohio legislature alone will consider what, if any, modifications to make to existing laws based on public hearings and input from legal experts on both sides.”

In a move to bolster the outrageous mindset that Republican Democracy is somehow more righteous than actual democracy, Ohio conservatives released a series of excuses for their actions.

Republican Democracy
Rep. Lear

“This is foreign election interference, and it will not stand,” Ohio state Rep. Jennifer Gross exclaimed.

“No amendment can overturn the God-given rights with which we were born,” barked Ohio state Rep. Beth Lear.

However, Gabriel Mann, spokesperson for Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights (a coalition of abortion rights groups) called the GOP scheme “misguided” and a “misstep.”

“Issue 1 [the measure supporting a woman’s right to choose] was passed thanks to a huge wave of Ohio voters, including many thousands of Republicans, who don’t want to see government intrusion into people’s lives,” Mann said in a statement. “At face value, this was about abortion, but it was definitely also about significant abuse of office by many elected officials in Ohio who have been exhibiting some very bad behavior.”

Republican Democracy
Gov. DeWine

On the marijuana front, GOP Gov. Mike DeWine is already asking his Republican lawmakers to revise the state’s voter-approved marijuana legalization law before key provisions take effect next month.

“The voters have said people have a right to smoke marijuana—that’s fine. But other people have the right not to smell it and not to have their kids and grandkids exposed to it,” DeWine said following the surprise vote.

So, it appears Ohio Republicans have no real interest in real democracy. They only want ‘Republican’ Democracy.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. This is a great topic DJ, thank you!

    And the Fascist madness going on at the highest levels of the Republican party in Ohio and other “Red” states leads me to begin my response with this:

    Actual democracy in America is not only being tested before the entire World. Actual democracyin America is literally on trial via Trump and whether or not he will actually be held accountable for his many crimes against Our nation in the Court of Law(?)

    We shall see.

  2. So the Fascist party in Ohio is proudly showing Americans where the Republican party actually stands, and has stood for at least the last 50 years, albeit on the downlow, until Trump.

    Should WE, Black America (descendants of Slaves), be that surprised that a sizeable number of white Americans across this nation don’t actually believe in real democracy? No.

    In fact, I would posit that the true history of America has always shown that the idea of real democracy has always meant more to most of Us than it has to most White Americans. How else could WE continue to believe in it in spite of 400 years of White dominance, brutality, racism and a Jim Crow system that to this day is still totally rigged against, from top to bottom!?!

    1. You got that right Truth. Repubs do not believe in democracy like they say. If they did they would not have tried to force Trump back in office after he lost. They also would not be trying to change the vote in Ohio either.

  3. “Elections have Consequences” – Pres. Obama

    Keep in mind, None of these dangerous Losers in positions of Power voted themselves into office.

    “We get the government WE deserve” by virtue of Our vote (the majority of American voters).

  4. Hey DJ sorry I could not get to this until after word today. It was a busy day. But this is a great topic because Repubs are always pretending they like democracy until it does not match them. If Ohio lets Repubs change their votes because they do not like how the vote ended they deserve it.

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