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Republican Extremists Hijack (Once) GOP

- Republican 'Old Guard' and top donors flee the changing Grand Ol' Party

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The once Grand Ol’ Party is on the brink of absolute extinction as Republican extremists have all but made the old guard obsolete and hijacked the party for their own conspiracy and radical racist movement.

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The Republican Party was once synonymous with the names Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, and Barry Goldwater. Now, it’s much more linked to the names Donald Trump, Lauren Boebert, and Marjorie Taylor Greene. The Republican Party once claimed to be the party of law and order, of upholding the constitution, and of “Blue Lives Matter.” Now, they’re violently attacking the American seat of government, ditching the US constitution in a coup attempt to seize democracy and fix election results for their own white privilege, and killing cops who dare to follow the law and stand in their way.

Republican Extremists
Lauren Boebert, Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene

Yes, folks, the GOP is dying a very rapid but pitiful death. Members are openly in-fighting for the very soul of the party, and, regrettably, there’s nothing anyone can do at this point to stop it.

Truth be told, Mitch McConnell and the Republican leadership lost control of their party years ago. The moment they ceded all power to Donald Trump and allowed him unfettered authority in exchange for a few conservative Supreme Court justices and approval of a few items on their political wishlist is the day all hope was lost. Now, the John McCain-esque Republicans are being forced out and replaced with QAnon conspiracy theorists who believe the election was rigged and the Sandy Hook school shooting was faked; with white supremacists and anti-semites who are still angry that a Black man (and now a Black woman) made it all the way to The White House and that black and brown people are taking control of America; and with other radical individual and group misfits who are empowering each other through their sheer strength in numbers.

Marjorie Taylor Greene
Liz Cheney, Kevin McCarthy

Last week, when the ReTRUMPlican wing of the party attempted to oust Republican Rep. Liz Cheney from power for daring to vote to impeach Donald Trump for inciting a riot, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy sent a memo to his GOP colleagues telling them to “Knock it off!” and to stop the in-fighting. However, only days later, McCarthy was on a plane to Mar-a-Lago to “kiss the ring” of Donald Trump and kowtow to him as the de facto leader.

Yes, this is the same Kevin McCarthy who publicly admonished Donald Trump for sending rioters to The Capitol and for forcing him and other members of Congress to cower and hide from the MAGA mob just to save their own lives.

So, when the Republican leader of the US House of Representatives bows down to the man responsible for inciting an insurrection against the United States government — and a cadre of Republican senators convince their colleagues NOT to vote to convict Donald Trump in the upcoming Senate impeachment phase (before the trial has even begun) — the writing is on the wall. Republicans no longer control the Republican Party. Republican extremists do.

Today’s Republican Party knowingly elected QAnon conspiracy theorists to Congress the day they elected Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene to Washington.

Boebert, along with Rep. Andy Harris of Maryland have repeatedly broken the rules of Congress by refusing to wear masks and by bringing loaded handguns onto the floor of the US House of Representatives.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene once expressed support for the assassination of powerful Democrats, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Late last week, Speaker Pelosi spoke openly about threats of violence from an “enemy” within Congress. When members of the press asked her to clarify, Pelosi did not hesitate.

“It means that we have members of Congress who want to bring guns on the floor and have threatened violence on other members of Congress,” she said.

The reality couldn’t have been more frightening.

Republican extremists are livid. They’re angry about continuing COVID restrictions. They’re angry in their belief that the pandemic is a lie and that Trump’s theory that it will all magically go away is the truth. They’re also angry that Donald Trump — their face of white supremacy — has been ejected from power and will no longer represent them as the King of white rule.

So, how can GOP stalwarts stop this runaway train? At this point, they can’t. They’re all stuck between a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” rock and a hard place.

“I’m a Texan. I don’t lick anyone’s boots. To see what we saw this week is disgusting. I’m out!” – Jacob Monty, lifetime GOP donor leaves party


If the remainder of the GOP were to join the Republican extremists, they’d instantly morph into a party of misfits that could no longer win national elections. However, if the GOP were to distance themselves from the Trump wingnuts, they’d be losing a substantial chunk of their base and would no longer have the numbers to win national elections.

Apparently, Sens. Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Rand Paul, and Lindsey Graham have already sold their souls to remain in power and have accepted the reality that Republican extremists are now in full control of the Republican Party.

Or, to put it bluntly, the inmates are running the asylum.

Marjorie Taylor Greene

OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
Republican extremists overtake the GOP.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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CNN: Republican Sen. Rob Portman on Sunday said his party’s leaders “ought to stand up” against Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and that there should be “a strong response” to her controversial actions and recently resurfaced incendiary comments amid calls for her expulsion from Congress. “I think Republican leaders ought to stand up and say it is totally unacceptable what she has said,” the Ohio senator told CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union.” “I saw a couple videos over the weekend and one had to do with violence as I see it. There is no place for violence in our political dialogue. By the way there is no place for violence in our country. I mean, this is something we got to get away from. So yeah. I think people ought to speak out clearly. “Asked if Greene, who has been appointed to the House Education and Labor Committee, should she… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Wil

Right out the gate on a snowy Monday morning (if you’re in the North East like me) and DJ has once again written a great post and I agree with just about every point.

I’m undecided as to whether the Republican party has been “hijacked” by an extremist right-wing Frankenstein that party’s leadership spent decades creating? Or was control of that party willingly surrendered to Frankenstein the minute that party’s leadership opted to back Trump and give him complete control and unconditional allegiance?

But DJ is absolutely right. The party is “dying a very rapid but pitiful death” as Republicans and Trumplicans “are openly in-fighting for the very soul of the party.” And (leaving out the word “regrettably”) ….”there’s nothing anyone can do at this point to stop it.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1

Hey Truth the snow is not just on the east. We got eight inches in Chitown plus cold too.


Lol..I know BD. My babysis told me. The snow started here yesterday morning and it continued for most of the day but we only got about 2 inches total, if that. Then it stopped for several hours overnight but we got a little sleet.

I thought we might dodge a bullet in my neck of the woods but I just looked out my living-room window and it’s snowing again, only heavier than yesterday. I’m still hoping we don’t get more than 3-5 inches. 🙂


The Repubs are falling apart over Trump. They know if he turns his people against them in primaries they will not win. But they are not going to win anyway with him and his fools backing them.. Like DJ said it is damned if you do damned if you don’t. But they have to do something about Marjorie Taylor Green for threatening Pelosi and bringing guns in the House. That cannot happen. RIP to the Repubs though because this is going to be their downfall.


As much as I would like to see the Republican party die at the hands of crazies, I don’t see it happening. What will save them in the end are high level donors. I always say follow the money. Donors will dictate what the party will or won’t do. The conspiracy hacks are bad for business and donors want to see a better return on their money. My guess is there are already discussions happening on how to deal with the Marjorie Taylor Greene’s of the party. The money people call the shots or else they don’t open their wallets. They’d rather lose a few elections in the short term than throw their party and years of investments away.


As much as I would like to see the Republican party die at the hands of crazies, I don’t see it happening. What will save them in the end are high level donors. I always say follow the money. Donors will dictate what the party will or won’t do. […]

I agree Saleem. I don’t see the Republican’s party completely imploding and going away anytime soon if ever. However, I do believe that the GOP that was…is No More. Whatever that party used to be (or at least claimed to be) it certainly ain’t THAT anymore. And whatever it eventually becomes (in terms of its direction)? We’ll have to wait and see.

But let’s not sleep on this – some Repub donors are as batsh*t crazy (if not mores) as the right-wing kooks running that party right now.

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1

Happy snow day everyone. We’re all snowed in.


“Marjorie Taylor Greene brings the GOP nothing but baggage” Excerpt: Legislators don’t much like legislating these days; the culture we’ve inculcated of politicians being more performance artists than agents of enacting actual policy means Greene isn’t exactly unique in her unseriousness. But Trump’s demagoguery had celebrity charm. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s socialist demagoguery has social media smarts. Sen. Ted Cruz’s demagoguery has, shall we call it, just enough subtlety and sophistication not to offend the senses too wildly.   Greene has none, and if Republicans choose to embrace her, Democrats will gain a wildly powerful weapon in the war of whataboutism. Greene advances nothing but owning the libs, if you can call histrionic apoplexy over her delusions any sort of success, and she does not bring any sort of coherent policy agenda or popular appeal that can advance any part of the conservative agenda. If conservatives decide not to condemn and expunge… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1

The Hill Reader:
{Greene is} mainstream in the Republican party now.  

Right wing media has been trying to mold the GOP base into an army of delusional paranoid crackpots for the last 30 years. Now they’ve succeeded. […]

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1
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