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Republican Roundup: Trump And Tucker

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In today’s Republican Roundup, we feature 2 of the GOP’s biggest con artists: Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson.

Current Events
After running several Atlantic City casinos, an airline, and various real estate properties into the ground while simultaneously filing for multiple bankruptcies, Donald Trump’s reputation as a snake oil salesman is legendary.  On the other hand, Fox News personality Tucker Carlson is gradually following in the footsteps of ‘The Donald’ by selling bags of hot air to vulnerable Fox News viewers who willingly lap up lies while avoiding all notices of truth.

Let’s take a closer look at Trump and Tucker in this Republican Roundup:

Donald Trump

Granted, we all know ‘The Donald’ is a walking contradiction and fountain of Fake News.  Still, he’s usually very careful in preventing his followers from seeing that behind the curtain he’s not at all a magical wizard, but a mere mortal of a man.

Republican RoundupHowever, on Sunday during an appearance at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC), Trump let his slip show by boldly admitting how he manipulates reality.

While lecturing the crowd on his response to polls, Trump said: “If it’s bad, I say it’s fake. If it’s good, I say that’s the most accurate poll ever.”

Wow!  The rare admission was actually a glimpse into Trump’s entire game plan.

Whenever Trump hears information he doesn’t like (such as losing the 2020 presidential election), he calls it “Fake News” — but when he hears news he believes might present him to the public as perfect, he props it up as the biggest, the best, and the greatest news ever.

For example, in December of 2015 when he thought he was riding high, Trump tweeted: “Wow, my poll numbers have just been announced and have gone through the roof!” However, in October of 2016 when he was slumping, he told a crowd: “Even though we’re doing pretty good in the polls, I don’t believe polls anymore.”

CNN’s Chris Cillizza said it best:  “If you listen to him long enough — no easy chore — Donald Trump will tell you all his secrets.”


Tucker Carlson

Recently, OK WASSUP! discussed how Fox News host Tucker Carlson believes the Biden administration is spying on him in an effort to drive him off the air.  However, what’s interesting is that neither the other Fox personalities nor the network’s producers have bought into his claim or allowed anyone on the network to even speak of it.

Republican RoundupNow, in today’s Republican Roundup, word is that Tucker Carlson has reportedly grown “furious” with network executives, especially the public relations team, “for not backing him up.”

According to CNN, “Tensions are sky-high,” between Carlson and the Fox News brass. One source pointed out that although Carlson has “always had tension with” management, right now he’s “extra pissed.”

The “President ‘X’ is spying on me” claim is nothing new.  In fact, Donald Trump made the same accusation against President Barack Obama.  So, it’s no surprise to see Tucker Carlson pull this old one from the Republican playbook of dirty tricks.

OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
The Republican Roundup: Trump and Tucker


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Great roundup summary DJ. You nailed it…on both of these two clowns.

    Cillizza is spot on: “If you listen to him long enough — no easy chore — Donald Trump will tell you all his secrets.”

    Yep. because he can’t help himself. He’s a “troubled” child in a grown-up’s body. 

    And as you said: “So it’s no surprise to see Tucker Carlson pull this old one from the Republican playbook of dirty tricks.”

    Not an authentic bone in his entire body. Even Fox News knows he’s just a 2-bit schmuck and desperate wannabe. 

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