Make no mistake about it — the Republican party is in trouble. With the Tea Party, evangelical Christians and other GOP voters split on who to support as their nominee for president, an ugly civil war is brewing within the ranks that could tear the party apart. But some Republicans are already considering a secret plan B.
Last week, Jeb Bush was set to publicly back Mitt Romney for the nomination, since Romney seemed inevitable at the time to run way with a string of victories. But when it was revealed that Romney did not win Iowa after all and when Romney got trounced by Newt Gingrich in South Carolina, Jeb Bush mysteriously took his support back and decided not to endorse anyone at all. Hmmm…
Republicans fear there will be an ugly stalemate once they reach their August convention to select a nominee. The remaining candidates will likely be badly beat up (by each other) and will have spent an enormous amount of resources on a splintered primary — all while President Obama is sitting basking in the West Wing, untouched and laughing his way to the general election. Whoever comes out of the brutal primary will likely be such a weakened candidate, he will be hard pressed to win against a seasoned incumbent in Barack Obama.
Word in political circles is that Jeb Bush pulled back his Romney endorsement so that he could wait in the wings in the very likely event of a brokered convention. Republicans could meet in August and say they choose not to nominate Romney, Gingrich, Santorum or Paul, but would rather select some other candidate. That man could be Jeb Bush.
Jeb would have the powerful Bush family political machine at his disposal, he could deliver his very important home state of Florida and he could potentially unite the party after a bitter primary battle. Party insiders reportedly told Bush to lay low and support no one, then play a game of wait and see. Things are currently so bad within the Republican party that almost anything is possible at this point. Stay tuned…
"But some Republicans are already considering a secret plan B."LOL! Well Lord help 'em if they think their "secret" is still a secret because their "secret" is already the subject of much discussion in the right-wing blogosphere, and recieving a very vocal REJECTION from many right-wing readers, as we speak. SEE National Review's editorial:"Draft Jeb Bush" http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/288986/dra…Certainly, this is NOT good news for Mr. "inevitable", Mitt Romney. But looking at the whole picture….I find the GOP's need to even float such an absurd notion (that ANYONE carrying the last name of "BUSH" can "Unite the party", let alone win the Presidency) the surest sign that the GOP is on a *suicide* watch, if not a *DEATH* march. Pitiful…smh.