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Republicans Infight Over Sandy Relief

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The bad news just keeps getting worse for the Grand Ol’ Party.  After taking a public relations hit on the fiscal cliff debacle, Republicans are now taking public hits from members of their own party.

Following Tuesday’s late night vote to save the U.S. from the fiscal cliff, the House of Representatives was scheduled to vote on a multi-billion dollar bill to finally provide financial relief to New York and New Jersey after Superstorm Sandy ravaged the region.  However, House Speaker John Boehner inexplicably decided at the 11th hour to pull the bill from the floor and deny the vote to proceed.  That’s when the fun began.

First up was Rep. Peter King of New York, who went on television and provided his own party with a remarkably rare verbal thrashing.  “I would say the Republican Party has said it is the party of family values,” King said. “Last night it turned its back on the most essential value of all, and that is to provide food, shelter, clothing and relief for people who have been hit by a natural disaster. And I would say that the Republican Party has turned its back on those people.” King wrapped up his remarks with a zinger by saying: “Anyone from New York or New Jersey who would contribute one penny to the Republican congressional campaign committee should have their head examined.”  Ouch!

But it was New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie who went absolutely ballistic on his party and Speaker John Boehner in particular, who refused to take Christie’s calls after abruptly halting the vote for the much needed relief funds.

“Last night, the House majority failed the most basic test of leadership and they did so with callous disregard to the people of my state. … It was disappointing and disgusting to watch,” Christie said.  “There’s only one group to blame … the House majority, and their Speaker, John Boehner.”

Christie added: “It’s why the American people hate Congress!”


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. …smh@ the endless madness and stupidity of the GOP

    The Hill: "Under pressure, Boehner agrees to hold two votes on Sandy relief funding"

    "The House will vote Friday to direct needed resources to the National Flood Insurance Program. And on January 15th, the first full legislative day of the 113th Congress, the House will consider the remaining supplemental request for the victims of Hurricane Sandy," ….


    I still think Boehner stands a good chance of being re-elected Speaker today because, frankly, who else do the Repubs have?!

    Boehner is pathetic …but all other possible Repub candidates would be worse.

  2. LOL you're right DJ things are gone from bad to worse. These Repubs are a joke. Boehner handled the whole Sandy thing all wrong and its funny to see all their dysfunction exposed. LOL Peter King actually told people not to donate money to the party. That's just unbelievable. Has something like this ever happened to a party before? I don't think things can get any worse for these pathetic Repubs.

  3. Quote for the Day

    "…there's a sad irony at play for those in the most affected areas: Republicans are, perhaps more than they realize, stiffing their own voters. The fact is, the parts of New York and New Jersey hit hardest by Sandy tended to be far more Republican-leaning than the states as a whole. Obama won New Jersey by nearly 18 percentage points, but he lost the two big coastal counties, Ocean and Monmouth, with only 41 and 47 percent of the vote, respectively. He won New York City with a whopping 81 percent of the vote. But among the few pockets of the city that Mitt Romney carried were the precincts hit hardest by Sandy, including southern Staten Island and Belle Harbor in the Rockaways." ~ Alec MacGillis

    Read: "On Sandy Relief, GOP Is Stiffing Its Own."

    H/T: Frum's blog @ the Daily Beast

  4. Breaking News: "Boehner, under fire from some conservatives, re-elected speaker"

    Washington (CNN) – Rep. John Boehner was voted by his colleagues into another term as House speaker Thursday despite receiving harsh criticism from some conservatives over his handling of the deal to avoid the fiscal cliff.

    There were a few scattered votes for other names – defeated Rep. Allen West, the tea party favorite from Florida, and GOP Majority Leader Eric Cantor both received nods – but the vast majority of Republicans in the House shouted Boehner's name when called upon by the House reading clerk. In total, 220 Republicans out of a conference of 234 went for the Ohio Republican during the tension-filled vote on the House floor.

    Some GOP lawmakers didn't answer, or simply voted "present," when called to vote.


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