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Yesterday, Democrat Nancy Pelosi passed the gavel to Republican John Boehner, officially making him the new Speaker of the House of Representatives and ushering in a new era of Republican rule.

Boehner is a man from humble beginnings, who worked his way up from a job in a local Ohio bar, to being 2nd in line to the presidency of the United States.  It’s somewhat of a feel good story which has labeled Boehner the “Cry-Baby of the Congress,” since he frequently tears up over the very mention of his family or humble beginnings.  But that’s the softer side of Speaker Boehner.  The harder side is a man who does not believe in the word “compromise” and is willing to prove it with a plan of partisanship he and his cohorts hope will take down President Obama in 2012.

Boehner will begin his first full day today as Speaker of the House with a public reading of the U.S Constitution.  From there, Republicans intend to dig-in with a partisan agenda, which includes an (extremely unlikely) attempt to  repeal President Obama’s signature healthcare law, a stop to most environmental and business regulation and an investigation of Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. for what the GOP calls possible “corruption.”

Will the new Republican agenda move the country forward and prove to the masses the value of their leadership? Or will their politically partisan desires to basically turn back any and everything created by President Obama end up backfiring on them in the 2012 presidential elections?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Republicans taking over congress again is the best thing for Obama. Now he has somebody else to blame for things and this is gonna play right into his hands for running again.

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