Call it “desperation.” Call it “dirty tricks.” But the events of yesterday prove there are factions out there who are willing to go to any length to get Barack Obama out of the White House.
On the eve of tonight’s highly anticipated presidential debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney, THE DAILY CALLER released an edited video of Mr. Obama from 2007 speaking favorably of his former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Releasing the video just 24 hours before the debate allowed conservatives to take to the airwaves with prepared talking points, hoping to deflect voters’ attention away from the important issues of the debate and onto nonsensical issues.
Conservatives swore that the media hid this video from the general public in 2008 because they were in cahoots with Mr. Obama. That is not true. They also swore that the video proves Mr. Obama does not like white people. That is also not true.
So, call it “desperation” or call it “dirty tricks,” but let’s call it what it really is — a thinly veiled attempt to play the race card with only a month to go before the general election!
Republicans are in such dire straights, their best trick was to dig up a video from 5 years ago and attempt to revive the racially charged and divisive thought of Rev. Jeremiah Wright. For those voters who are on the fence about Romney and have a racist bone or 2 in their bodies, this video was meant to woo them toward Romney by reminding them of the black boogeyman in the White House who once followed Rev. Wright. Pathetic!
Conservative tricksters have begun building this up as “the video the media doesn’t want you to see” and “the video that will cost Obama the election.” But in actuality, it’s an old and worthless piece of bullshit that should have no place in the political arena.
If Mitt Romney is smart, he will dismiss the video and try to win this election on his own merits. But is he that smart?
"So, call it "desperation" or call it "dirty tricks," but let's call it what it really is — a thinly veiled attempt to play the race card with only a month to go before the general election!"
I respectfully disagree with you DJ. I don't think there's anything "thinly veiled" about the Repubs playing the *Race* card. They've been engaging in all manner of reprehensible bullsh*t since the election of Pres. Obama, playing the race-card (very OPENLY) being their primary weapon.
Are they desperate? You'd better believe it!
But will they succeed in destroying Obama's presidency? I really don't think so. I think most Americans who tuly love this country have had enough of the madness. Nov. 6th will tell the story.
See DJ this is what drowning people do. They grab at anything they can get their hands on to stay alive. Romneys in bad shape so now Repubs are grabbing at anything to save his campaign. Except it won't work. Truth is right, people have had enough of this madness. Once the debate happens people will forget all about this story.
Well it's almost 3:30 PM EST and Faux News has had since last evening to make the most of this "new" but OLD clip that they "discovered" AND AIRED 5 YRS AGO.
I just did a drive-by of a few of the more popular right-wing sites (Hotair, Redstate, ect.). Pretty much crickets.
Oh!..and KUDOS to Juan Williams for calling out Hannity for "PLAYING the race card."
Video: Sean Hannity's Obama 'Bombshell' Draws Yawns; Juan Williams Says He's 'Playing A Race Card'…
H/T: Booker Rising
Tucker Carlson presses his case on 2007 Obama speech (Video)
The morning after the big reveal on last night’s Hannity, The Daily Caller’s Tucker Carlson appeared on Fox and Friends to press his case that the media deliberately underplayed Barack Obama’s June 2007 speech to Hampton University.
Will this video change minds about this election? I doubt it. […]
This video has generated a bit of right-wing chatter at HA. But nowhere near the decibel level I've seen HA commenters reach when they're really feeling *righteous* anger.
Over at RedState: Pretty much crickets.
Hmm??? Not sure what happened to my post regarding Juan Williams calling Hannity out but….
KUDOS to Juan Williams!
Sean Hannity's Obama 'Bombshell' Draws Yawns; Juan Williams Says He's 'Playing A Race Card' (VIDEO)…