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Republicans Revived In 2014 Midterms

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November 5, 2014

Republican Democrat unbiased political news

Unbiased Political News –
Republicans Revived In 2014 Midterms
It looks as if the dead corpse of the GOP has risen from the grave.

Unbiased Political News
The 2014 midterm election has ended with an exceptional electoral night for the Republican Party. Gaining seats in the U.S. Senate, Republicans have now regained control of both houses of congress, making Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) the new Senate Majority Leader and creating a myriad of problems for the remainder of President Obama’s 2nd term.

Republican Democrat unbiased political news
Sen. Mitch McConnell

The GOP had been written off for dead following the enormous defeat of Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential contest. Infighting, a surge by the fringe Tea Party and bickering over the direction of the party all but sank the GOP.  However (as is customary), the sitting president’s party traditionally takes a wallop in the midterm elections, with voters seeing the sitting president as a lame duck. This time was no different.

Other election night news saw former Sen. Scott Brown succumbing to defeat yet again. Brown once held the senate seat formerly held by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy in Massachusetts, but was later defeated there. Brown then hopped over to New Hampshire with hopes of returning to Capitol Hill, but was turned back last night with a victory by incumbent Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen.

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In Louisiana, a squeaker of a contest has turned into a runoff.

With neither candidate receiving at least 50% of the vote, Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu and her Republican challenger, Rep. Bill Cassidy, will face off in a December runoff.

The 2014 midterm election has now come and gone.  Did you vote?  Are you happy, disappointed, or indifferent that the Republican Party will now lead the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives?  Tell us how you feel in the comments below.

Republican Democrat unbiased political news

OK WASSUP! tracks the top unbiased political news of the day, including results from the 2014 midterm election.
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Sadly, I'm indifferent.

After waiting, and hoping, the past 6 yrs of Obama's presidency for Him and the Dems to *grow a pair* (if you will) and fight…really fight… for average hard-working Americans_as he, and the Dems, had promised (BUT UTTERLY FAILED) to do over and over again__I'm finally done. Done with Him and them.

However, perhaps NOW that his Presidential legacy is truly at the mercy of some pretty hateful and twisted Repubs Obama will actually fight for something besides saving Wall Street(?)

We shall see……..

Mr. BD

I'm done with politics!! These Repubs sat and did nothing for the last six years and tried everything they could to ruin Obama. Then they blame the reason they couldn't get anything done on him and voters believe it and hand congress right back to the Repubs. Now, Dems will need to pay them back in some way. It's a a cycle that doesn't end. This is so ignorant it took me a day to think about it and even give a response. I'm done with it all!


"Now, Dems will need to pay them back in some way. It's a a cycle that doesn't end."

Exactly BD. And I'm sick of it!!!

Both parties_aided greatly by THE MEDIA_act like this is a d*mn game. While they are all just playing us.

Neither party, IMO, has any integrity whatsoever. None.

And like I said. I'm done.

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