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Republicans Scheme For Black Voters

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The Republican Party has finally acknowledged they have a “black” problem.  But instead of appealing to black voters by changing their policies, they’ve taken a “band-aid” approach and hired a Director of African-American Communications.

“It’s a new position,” said Armani Council regarding her new post. “I’m not filling anyone’s shoes. I’m basically going out to get African-Americans engaged on a level which they haven’t been in a really long time.”

After getting their butt whipped in the last presidential election, particularly in Ohio where African-American voter turn out was at historic levels, the GOP sees themselves swiftly sinking into oblivion. With their long standing reputation of being the party for old, white, racist men, black voters have not had any reason to help Republicans back to relevance. Also, racist jokes and attacks against President Obama and his family by Republican leaders have not helped their plan.  But somehow, the GOP has convinced themselves that their new (black and female) communications director will change their fate and have African-Americans racing to the Republican fold.

“Just because you’re black doesn’t mean you have to be a Democrat,” Council said. “Tell me why you are a Democrat. Tell me what that means to you. And let me tell you why I am a Republican.  Just getting people involved — I know there’s power in that.”

This cheap plan to get votes, which is masquerading as a new outreach program has an extreme uphill climb.  Decades of perceived Republican racism and a lack of minority policies have kept blacks out of the GOP.  Hiring a black female will not magically erase history.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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