Republicans Want Legal LGBT Discrimination
November 13, 2014
Gay Rights
Texas Republican state Sen. Donna Campbell has concocted a bright idea on how to deal with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees and customers — a plan that she hopes her GOP colleagues will implement nationally. Her plan is simple. She wants to change the law and make it legal for employers to fire LGBT employees and turn away LGBT customers without explanation!
Sen. Donna Campbell |
Campbell has hopped on the religious bandwagon with this novel idea, saying her proposal is for the “right to act or refuse to act in a manner motivated by a sincerely held religious belief.” However, critics have simplified her mumbo-jumbo justification by calling it a mere legal maneuver for a “license to discriminate.”
Already, a myriad of states have begun to implement Campbell’s “anti-LGBT/small business owners code” to refuse service to LGBT clients in Kentucky, Hawaii, Oregon, Vermont, New Mexico, Iowa and Colorado. In fact, there are 29 states where it is completely legal to fire someone for their sexual orientation, with workplace discrimination against transgendered people being legal in 32 states.
Gay Rights
Campbell and her Republican cohorts are using the age old tradition of hiding behind religion to discriminate their narrow moral agendas. Slave owners and the Ku Klux Klan have been using the “religious belief” argument for centuries to hate, kill and otherwise discriminate against blacks. Now, Campbell and company are trying the same formula against the LGBT community.
So, America: you asked for the Republicans and you got ’em! Happy now?
This doesn't even surprise me. Just like DJ said be careful what you ask for or you just might get it.