Comments on: RETIRED! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:58:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 27 Jul 2010 20:51:49 +0000 DJ:“He was caught bad-mouthing the Prez in a national magazine. Now his career is officially over!”Yes but the COIN strategy he helped design based in large part on Petraeus’s COIN strategy (and then SOLD to Obama) lives on and therein lies a HUGE problem for the President and the military; the strategy is Failing.Look. Contrary to the msm’s parroting the government’s spin, Gen. Petraeus’s COIN strategy did NOT work in Iraq; OTHER key factor$ at play were primarily responsible for tamping down the violence. But don’t take my word for it. Do your own research and then look at deteriorating conditions in Iraq today.By buying into McChrystal COIN strategy the President bought a trillion dollar “bridge to nowhere.” And just like in Iraq, in Afghanistan We’re paying in blood and treasure, with no end in sight.BTW: All of the hype surrounding the recent “WikiLeak” leaks of some 90,000 documents, showing the failures in Afghanistan from 2004 to 2009 contains NOTHING new. But they DO confirm what many of us have already known _the Afghan war is (and has been from the beginning) a military and human travesty of monumental proportions …JUST LIKE IRAQ. To the degree that the leaking of those documents is significant would, IMO, be this: The President and the American military could be facing an even BIGGER problem than the Taliban and other insurgent groups; a kind of "insurgency" (if you will) a proportion of the U.S. military who is FED UP with having to carry out “the mission” (whatever THAT means anymore?) as per directives that actually amount to “by ANY means necessary ” which too often leads to the wholesale slaughter of innocent Afghan civilians and other related kinds of madness, JUST LIKE IRAQ. In short: Those soldiers CAN'T stomach all the brutality, lies and deception of Our government anymore and they want to get the word out to the public. I certainly don’t believe the leaking of all those documents is the work of “one-man.” Now: Whether (or not) the majority of the American public is paying attention? We shall see. This I do know. McChrystal is now gone. Pres. Obama ran on a promise to bring these wars to an end in “responsible” manner. We, who voted for him MUST hold his feet to the fire and insist that he keep his word.
