Comments on: REV. GRAHAM: “Obama Is A Muslim” News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:58:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 24 Aug 2010 14:52:27 +0000 Anon:“you never see Obama attending church or anything religious….seems like he's hiding it.”Hiding what? With all due respect, by your reasonig, you never see him attending a Mosque either so your point is??? See this is where we get into the PUTRID and highly TOXIC muck of mixing politics with religion. It’s a dangerous thing AND a rather telling sign of America’s future. I honestly thought this nation was better than that (shaking my head in disbelief). Apparently NOT. Personally, I don’t give a fig what religious faith the President_ANY President_ subscribes to. A president is a politician NOT a prophet. I want him/her to be qualified, competent, honest and SANE.BTW: If American Christianists want America to become a theocratic nation just come out and say so and STOP all the BSing. The world is NOT fooled by America anymore. The world can see clearly what this nation is really about. In America, We’ve got more demons (evil-azz people) running around POSING as “Christians” than you can shake a stick at. To say that I despise what they’ve done to the meaning of the word “Christian” would be an understatement. They've turned the word on its head to mean ANYTHING BUT “Christ-like” and that's "a sin and a shame." Quite frankly, I see Christianists (along with NeoCONS and the military Industrial Complex) as the biggest threat to this nation’s future!

By: Anonymous Mon, 23 Aug 2010 22:01:59 +0000 you never see obama attending church or anything religious. seems like he's hiding it.

By: BD Mon, 23 Aug 2010 14:29:43 +0000 America is really showing its ugly side right about now. President Obama is not a muslim and he's made that clear many times. But people still want to believe what they want to believe no matter what. But even if he was a muslim, that doesn't have to mean he's a bad man. Many muslims died right next to everybody else when the twin towers fell on September 11. How the masses have turned this into muslims are the boogie man is crazy. And this supposed minister Graham. SMH on him. He exposed himself on national t.v. not only with what he thinks of the president, but his prejudices against muslims. Very sad..Great video though from Msnbc. Who was the guy sitting in?

By: Truthiz Mon, 23 Aug 2010 13:42:04 +0000 First: The “Christianist” litmus-test being imposed on THIS president by Radical christians (Franklin Graham included) is a GLOBAL embarrassment and plays right into the hands of Radical muslims. I’m sickened by the fact that since 9/11 “Islam” has deliberately been conflated with “terrorism” and the word “Muslim” is used as a smear…the implied message being: a “Muslim” is inherently “bad” …”evil. No exceptions.” Indeed THAT is what most Americans believe because THAT is what most Americans want to believe…and THAT is an ignorant and dangerous message to be sending to the world! Second: IMO, the President himself bears the lion’s share of the BLAME for how this whole subject has been atrociously mishandled in the first place! In 2008, notable voices such as Steve Clemons, of Washington Note, did his best to sound the alarm concerning the harmful effects of then presidential candidate Obama choosing to run fast-and-far AWAY from Muslim-Americans instead of standing up for HIMSELF and ALL Americans (Muslims included) against Christianist smears. The case has been made that the Obama team "openly discriminated against Muslim campaign volunteers”. I myself, remember during the 2008 campaign the Obama team went into full-PANICK mode when a Muslim-American woman (an Obama supporter) wearing a traditional head-scarf was spotted standing BEHIND Obama prior to one of his community speeches. The Obama team was absolutely TERRIFIED of him being photographed with a “Muslim” lady in the background. That poor woman was jettisoned with a quickness from that position for NO other reason than she was a “Muslim”_smh. Obama has NOT shown even the slightest bit of Courage on this issue. On the contrary he has CAVED to right-wing AND media pressure each and every time and what has it gotten him??! Washington Note Commenter:“Steve was right and we are now reaping the whirlwind sowed earlier. Obama has allowed this storm of hatred and prejudice to grow and grow and grow. And now he's got an even bigger Islamophobic movement on his hands than we had even under George Bush.”Meanwhile, over a BILLION non-violent Muslims all over the world are watching this madness play out and taking stock…smh!
