RFID Microchip Implants Mandatory For Humans?

Would you voluntarily allow someone an RFID microchip to be implanted under your skin? Someday soon, you may not have a choice.
We’re not talking about a day in the far off future. Right now today, some companies have already implemented the process of implanting an RFID microchip beneath the skin of their employees.
According to the companies, Radio-frequency Identification (RFID) chips just make life easier. Instead of an employee needing to scan an ID card for entry into the workplace, they can simply wave their hand past an RFID reader for instant entry. Instead of needing cash or a credit card to get snacks from a vending machine or pay for lunch in the company cafeteria, an employee can simply wave their hand and their purchase is made.
Outside of the workplace, companies predict the chips will be able to open home doors, unlock and start your car, give parents information about their children’s whereabouts, send helpful medical data to healthcare professionals, or possibly provide useful information in an emergency situation when immediate care is required or in diagnosing a condition.
From that perspective, an RFID microchip implant might make perfect sense. However, there are also several downsides.
Critics have a valid fear of the technology turning them into an always-on GPS. They believe an RFID microchip implant could be used by their boss, the government, or perhaps a hacker to spy on them and always know their whereabouts and personal movements at all times. Others are concerned about the possibility of having their private information compromised.
Of course, there’s also the biblical notion that these chips are straight out of the Book of Revelation and could become the “Mark of the Beast.”
Are these concerns and fears warranted?
According to Sociology Professor Noelle Chesley, yes they are. She believes RFID microchips will be mandatory for everyone at some point in the future. She adds it may eventually become standard practice to insert a chip into an infant along with the first vaccination.
We already wave our credit cards or our cell phones for ID and purchases. Would you voluntarily consent to have an RFID microchip installed under your skin for the same reasons? What if it became a requirement to get a job, to buy groceries, or to travel?
“Would you voluntarily consent to have an RFID microchip installed under your skin for the same reasons?”
Absolutely not.
“What if it became a requirement to get a job, to buy groceries, or to travel?”
Then they (whoever “they” are) would have a Titanic-size problem on their hands as millions of Americans (myself included) will raise H*LL to the rafters and REFUSE to obey/conform to such madness!!!
Please note: I’m all for advancement in the fields of communication, information science and technologies. But with advancements comes great responsibility, great risks and Unintended consequences.
WE can’t even prevent Russia from “tracking” us via Facebook for crying out loud..!! To say nothing of the many OTHER *hidden* ways we’re already being tracked. WHY on God’s green earth would WE willingly agree to surrender any remaining vestige of “free will” and *personal autonomy* by letting the government (and their corporate Masters) implant a tracking device within our bodies??!!