Comments on: RFID Microchip Implants Mandatory For Humans? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 11 Mar 2019 09:03:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Thu, 07 Mar 2019 16:33:38 +0000 “Would you voluntarily consent to have an RFID microchip installed under your skin for the same reasons?”

Absolutely not.

“What if it became a requirement to get a job, to buy groceries, or to travel?”

Then they (whoever “they” are) would have a Titanic-size problem on their hands as millions of Americans (myself included) will raise H*LL to the rafters and REFUSE to obey/conform to such madness!!!

Please note: I’m all for advancement in the fields of communication, information science and technologies. But with advancements comes great responsibility, great risks and Unintended consequences.

WE can’t even prevent Russia from “tracking” us via Facebook for crying out loud..!! To say nothing of the many OTHER *hidden* ways we’re already being tracked. WHY on God’s green earth would WE willingly agree to surrender any remaining vestige of “free will” and *personal autonomy* by letting the government (and their corporate Masters) implant a tracking device within our bodies??!!
