Comments on: RICK’S BIG GAFFE News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 21 Mar 2012 13:17:34 +0000 ….a related article….US News: "Obama's Teleprompter: The GOP's Dumbest Attack"Rick Santorum has a message problem, an inability or unwillingness to focus on core issues while emphasizing titillating dead-end ones. Incredibly, I'm not talking about birth control but instead teleprompters.Campaigning in Mississippi recently, the former Pennsylvania senator asserted that "when you run for president of the United States, it should be illegal to read off a teleprompter. Because all you're doing is reading somebody else's words to people."It's a strange obsession because it's inane. Teleprompters are tools. Sure they're high tech if you've just emerged from the 1950s (which might explain the GOP's fascination with them), but ultimately they're just a medium for prepared remarks, substantively no different from a sheet of paper on a lectern. A teleprompter can't magically imbue a poor speech with additional spellbinding qualities.Criticizing someone for using a teleprompter is like berating him for using a microphone, or arguing that there's something wrong with writing on a word processor rather than with a quill and ink.  […]Read:

By: Truthiz Wed, 21 Mar 2012 13:13:49 +0000 <span>The irony of this (Santorum's habit of shooting off his mouth and costing himself lots of votes) being Santorum's OTHER habit of criticizing the President for using a teleprompter.   It's clear what Santorum_and ALL the other Repub presidential candidates_ are doing. Pandering to the GOP's right-wing base who craves any form of denigrating the President 24/7.   But it's also clear to anyone of sound mind, reasonable intelligence, AND CLASS that that sort of attack on the President is DUMB and just plain ignorant.   To say nothing of the fact that IF anyone is in dire need of a telepromter it's Santorum …and Romney too for that matter.    I've never heard so much foolishness flow from the mouths of candidates (male and female) who somehow think themselves fit to be President as I've heard coming from the GOP's crop of flawed Presidential candidates this year.   Really. They are such a sorry lot.</span>
