Most laws are a good thing. For example, the law that RED means STOP and GREEN means GO was created to provide order and prevent catastrophe. But what about those laws that meant well at the time, but have long since outlived their worth?
For example, did you know that in Maine, it is illegal to have Christmas Decorations up after Jan. 14th? Or in Alaska, waking a sleeping bear for a photo opportunity is strictly forbidden? How about in Idaho, it is illegal for a man to give his sweetheart a box of candy weighing less than 50 lbs? Or my personal favorite, in Arizona it’s illegal to own more than 2 — ahem — dildos at any one time? Hmmm…
Hard to believe, but these are all legitimate laws that continue to legitimately remain on the record books. To get a good look at this list of outlandish laws, click HERE.