Rigged: Inside Donald Trump’s Losing Strategy

Politics –
Inside Donald Trump’s
Losing Strategy
How do you save face when losing a race? Just yell “rigged” and hope somebody believes you, that’s how!
With only 3 weeks to go before the November 8th presidential election, Donald Trump has pulled the emergency lever and embraced the “rigged” strategy unlike no other. He’s like the guy at a track meet who sees a sprinter take off far ahead of him, then, realizing he can never catch him, starts yelling that the race was fixed and that the winning runner has cheated.
For a man who finds himself in an enormously deep deficit in the all-important electoral vote count, this strategy of yelling early that the election is rigged against him is basically all he has left. Virtually every prominent poll (including one from Fox News) is predicting a nightmare scenario on election night for Donald Trump and the Republican Party. So, how does a man like Donald Trump — who frequently brags that he ALWAYS wins — make himself out to be a winner even in the depths of defeat? Start yelling “rigged” now, then when he loses on November 8th he and his supporters can say “See…we told you so,” that’s how!
Donald Trump has already started pointing fingers at everyone but himself. He’s blamed the Clinton Campaign, he’s blamed the liberal media, and he’s even blamed the comedy TV show “Saturday Night Live” for conspiring against him. For Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, whose duty is to uphold the democracy, he is having none of it.
“Our democracy relies on confidence in election results, and the speaker is fully confident the states will carry out this election with integrity,” an official statement said over the weekend. Still, Trump is fixing for a fight.
SNL mocks Trump/Clinton Debate
When it comes to the Trump candidacy, the fat lady hasn’t sung yet but she’s warming up and in perfect voice. Or in other words, Donald Trump is on the path of an election defeat of epic proportions. This can’t be a good look for the Trump brand and all of his businesses.
“I’m hearing in the last two weeks that his brand equity is plummeting,” said Michael D’Antonio, author of “The Truth About Trump” and “Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success.” D’Antonio added that he was “quite privy to good data” on the topic and that polls of Republicans without a college education show the demographic is “turning off to his brand.”
“They may still vote for him, but this is really doing long-term damage to his businesses,” D’Antonio said.
For the millions of misfits who actually support Donald Trump, a loss on election day can’t be the fault of the candidate. No, it HAS to be the fault of a major conspiracy between the Hillary Clinton campaign and the liberal mainstream media. To them, Donald Trump is perfection personified and incapable of ever losing on his own.
This mentality has prompted scores of Trump supporters to prepare to head to the polls on election day as “observers.” They intend to look for cheaters, including those who change disguises and vote more than once.
One such supporter said he intends to linger at the polls just to engage in some “racial profiling” and make supposedly foreign-looking voters “a little bit nervous.”
“I’ll look for . . . well, it’s called racial profiling. Mexicans. Syrians. People who can’t speak American,” Steve Webb of Fairfield, Ohio said. “I’m going to go right up behind them. I’ll do everything legally. I want to see if they are accountable. I’m not going to do anything illegal. I’m going to make them a little bit nervous.”
Oh, the scandal of it all.
With Donald Trump already shouting early of a rigged election, this political contest has come down to not just a race of Democrats vs. Republicans, but a race of reality vs. alternate-reality. Those in TrumpWorld have convinced themselves that their reality is correct and that everyone has already rigged everything against them. That way, when the gauntlet comes down on Trump on election day, they can point fingers at everyone except “The Donald.”
With Donald Trump already shouting early of a rigged election, this political contest has come down to not just a race of Democrats vs. Republicans, but a race of reality vs. alternate-reality. Those in TrumpWorld have convinced themselves that their reality is correct and that everyone has already rigged everything against them. That way, when the gauntlet comes down on Trump on election day, they can point fingers at everyone except “The Donald.” [….]
Like many, if not most, of his supporters, Trump loves to SCAPEGOAT. They…and HE..are "victims" dontcha know…smh.
The guy has probably never taken responsibility for ANY of his failures in life. Easier to pretend it's someone else's fault.
However, with claims of a "rigged" election, he's playing a very dangerous game right now. He would rather call into question our entire Democracy rather than admit to himself that he has FAILED to meet even the basic standard for being considered "fit" for the presidency.
For nearly 18 months now Donald has shown himself to be a vacuous know-nothing with an authoritative and narcissistic personality – and the manners of a wild boar in perpetual heat. To say nothing of him being a pathological liar.
But somehow IF he is indeed losing the election, it's because he's a "victim" of a massive "smear campaign" to defeat him!?!
No. He's a LOSER…in every sense of the word. Always has been. And always will be.
And as for the mental-midget who plans to hover over foreign-looking voters "to make them a little bit nervous”…..
Go ahead. Let him roll-up on the wrong person. And he shouldn't be surprised if he gets clocked right-upside his head.
Nobody's playing with those fools.
Also on a related note……
KUDOS DJ. Not long ago, you posted about THIS very real possibility and alas, it appears Trump and Co are indeed already pursuing it.
PLAN B: "Trump son-in-law makes approach on post-election TV start-up"
Financial Times’ Matthew Garrahan and James Fontanella-Khan:
“Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner has informally approached one of the media industry’s top dealmakers about the prospect of setting up a Trump television network after the presidential election in November. … Mr Kushner — an increasingly influential figure in the billionaire’s presidential campaign — contacted Aryeh Bourkoff, the founder and chief executive of LionTree, a boutique investment bank, within the past couple of months, according to three people with knowledge of the matter.” – Politico
FT link: http://on.ft.com/2dIbnrX
Ok this is not funny anymore. Trump is about to create riot and that's not good. He already knows he is going to lose so he's making the case not to trust the results. But what if he won? Are we not supposed to trust the results then too? Now somebody is saying if Hillary Clinton wins he might have to take her out. That is dangerous talk. UGH I can't wait until this whole thing is over.
"Now somebody is saying if Hillary Clinton wins he might have to take her out. "
I hadn't heard about that BD..!!! Wow….smh.
I am totally with you my friend. I can NOT wait until this election is over.
…..so Crazy recognizes Crazy and RUNNS to it………
In addition to the white fool (referenced by BD) who said that Hillary should be "taken out" if she wins the election, you have a Black fool calling for riots in the streets "in support of Trump." And that Black fool happens to be "the Chief Law Enforcement officer of a populous urban county" in Milwaukee County Wisconsin.
Sheriff David A. Clark Jr.
It's incredible that our institutions of gov, WH, Congress, DOJ, and big media are corrupt & all we do is bitch. Pitchforks and torches time. [..]
Which prompted Rod Dreher to ask:
"What if a sheriff did the same on behalf of Black Lives Matter? What would conservatives think then?"
If we want to know how deep the ROT runs in police departments across America, we need look no further than to Sheriff David A. Clark Jr. He's a major NUTjob. I've heard him spew his crap before.
IMO, he has no business at all wearing a badge, let alone be in charge of a police department.
I remember my dad saying to me in my early 20's that the Democrats in his opinion was the lesser of two evils. That when they finished doing their thing they leave a few crumbs behind for you to get. But Republicans don't leave crumbs. This election being none like it, no matter who wins this country is going to be set on its heels. We are going to see "REAL CHANGE ". There's going to be a new menu. Let's see if crumbs are on it.