Rigging The Case For Darren Wilson
December 2, 2014
Top News Today
Robert McColloch was the prosecuting attorney, charged with representing the parents of Michael Brown in the loss of their son. However, McColloch’s case (or lack thereof) was critical of Brown and supportive of Wilson, which actually made him appear much more like the defense attorney for Darren Wilson. For an attentive African-American community, already skeptical about the process, this blatant “stacking of the decks” was unacceptable and set the tone for the protests that followed.
Protests against the non-indictment sprung up from coast-to-coast, however, the most interesting protests came from legal minds in the media, who also voiced their emphatic belief that McColloch rigged the case and that Darren Wilson was not telling the whole truth.
Take a look at the 2 videos below — the first from Nancy Grace of CNN and the second from Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC. They are both mind blowing!
Yikes – that is shocking! I didn't know that. I am still skeptical, I don't want to believe that this can happen. That we have so much corruption in our legal system. All that money makes me SAD, here I was feeling bad that the guy had to quit his job, guess I was wrong. Sad.
Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson wants to pursue charges ( inciting a riot) against Mike Brown's stepfather the night of the grand jury announcement. Funny how he didn't think of suing St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney for the same charge, huh?
Methinks the vindictiveness of the St. Louis police is gaining converts to the cause for justice for Michael Brown, even as we speak.
"Doesn't add up", "Bigger than a badge." – Yes! Yes! Yes! Make this the last straw! Protest it up!
This supposed to be prosecutor needs to lose his job because this case was clearly rigged. He's not serving the people at all once he started playing favorites. Every legal person on every channel I saw said he was in the wrong. I hope justice involves him too.
Our justice system is ridiculous and it's hard to stomach all the money this guy has made due to killing an unarmed kid. If I were Wilson I would get the hell out of town and go live in some shack in Canada where we no longer have to see or hear about him every again. I hope that justice comes back to bite this killer in the butt.