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Reality contest shows such as “American Idol” and “Dancing With The Stars” have become all the rage among the American populate.  But exactly how realistic are these shows?  NOT AT ALL!

Last week, “Dancing With The Stars” crowned Jennifer Grey as their champion. But not after the controversial sham of Bristol Palin making it all the way into the finals, despite garnering the worst score week after week, and displaying less dancing ability than an Alaskan Grizzly Bear.  Her unlikely survival over the course of the show seemed cute at first (she really should have been the very first to go), until she bumped the amazingly talented and multiple top vote getter Brandy Norwood out of contention.  I mean, come on… is there a single sole on the planet who genuinely believes Bristol Palin is a legitimate dancer, who’s technically superior enough to rob a lifelong professional entertainer such as Brandy?  How is this possible?  How did this chifforobe in a shimmy dress make it all the way to within an inch of the top prize despite consistent low scores and zero ability? THE ANSWER: Incredibly dumb Americans with sophomoric side agendas, that’s how!

The political Tea Party movement happens to be in love with Sarah Palin — that whacko former GOP Vice-Presidential candidate, who happens to be the mother of Bristol Palin — whose only claim to fame is getting pregnant at 17, which I can’t for the life of me figure out how that makes her a “star.” But I digress…  So because the Tea Party has a political affinity for Sarah Palin, they somehow fooled themselves into thinking it was mandatory they get involved in the results of a T.V. reality show contest, and skewer the results in favor of someone twice removed. Ahhh, what sanity.

“Dancing With The Stars” permits the general public to call, text, or email votes to favor their beloved dancer. But therein lies the true problem.  Because the Tea Party not only successfully hijacked the show’s voting system, they even bragged about it. One Tea Party member took to an Internet blog to boast, “Lord have mercy, I voted for 3 hours online! I got 300 in,” to which another replied, “Wow. You put me to shame with my measly 32.” HUH??? Did they really say “Lord, have mercy,” instead of “Lord, please forgive me?” The irony is they had absolutely no shame, but only fatigue.

This all proves that in essence, “Dancing With The Stars” really has nothing to do with actual “dancing” at all.  As the Tea Party vote hackers have exposed, it doesn’t matter if the contest is about dancing, singing, juggling, or standing on your head — if they are given the ability to effect the outcome for their own self worth and side agendas, they’re gonna do it.  Or in other words, Bristol Palin didn’t make it to the finals because she is a stellar dancer.  On the contrary.  She made it because her mother shares a certain political belief with a certain political movement that has successfully marginalized an entertaining television program into a popularity contest.

So, take a lesson “Dancing With The Stars” and “American Idol.”  Until you change your voting process and assure it’s more about actual talent and less about popularity or politics, your contests are not contests at all — they’re just jokes only posing as reality!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Your right these shows are not about talent anymore. Its just a great big popularity contest. I gave up on American Idol a while ago and not looking back no matter what changes they make. If it can't be real and fair then whats the point.

  2. BD:"<span>Your right these shows are not about talent anymore. Its just a great big popularity contest."</span><span></span><span>Cosign and let the Church say AMEN!!!</span><span></span><span>American Idol died years ago. Now another so-called "Reality Contest" (DWTS) is proven to be a certfied joke. </span><span></span><span>And don't even get me started on so-called "Reality Shows." </span><span></span><span>Pitiful…smh.</span>

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