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It was supposed to be the latest “cutting-edge” creation from Google.  It was supposed to be an innovative new way to communicate.  It was supposed to be the “wave” of the future and the greatest invention since sliced bread.  But now, it is NONE of the above. Google, Inc. has pulled the plug on GOOGLE WAVE.

Blame it on an extremely low turn-out of registered users (Nobody was all that interested).  Or blame it on the excessively confusing nature of the product itself (WHAT is it?  WHY is it?).   But according to Google’s Senior VP of Operations Urs Hölzle, there are “No plans to continue developing Wave as standalone product.”

OK WASSUP! was part of an early marketing campaign, where we gave away invitations of GOOGLE WAVE to interested parties.  But even then, not many people were interested.

So we say so long to GOOGLE WAVE.  We hardly knew you.  But oh well — at least GOOGLE VOICE is still all the rave!

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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