Comments on: R.I.P GOP News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 08:00:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pat Lawrence Wed, 29 Apr 2009 18:18:00 +0000 Republicans seem like they are living in a time warp. It's like they are still selling the old hunt and peck typewriter when the rest of us moved on to computers. Hardly anybody is buying what they are selling anymore.I don't think the republican party is dead yet. But I do think they are close to it. Any time you let a party be run by religion and supposed morals instead of by policy and political structure, you are in trouble. I am a registered Independent, but I voted for Obama because I believed he could get us back on the right track. And so far he is doing an outstanding job. He appears to be on a runaway train and republicans don't know how to stop it. I wouldn't be surprised to see more leave for the Democrats or at least go Independent. Their party should prepare to be in the dark ages for several years to come.

By: Truthiz Wed, 29 Apr 2009 16:28:00 +0000 Awww…PO fella (sigh)…Via Think Progress:Steele May Lose Control Over RNC Purse Strings. After becoming RNC Chairman, Michael Steele boldly predicted the Republicans would “win” the contest for an open congressional seat in New York. He was wrong. Steele also threatened to withhold campaign funds from Sen. Arlen Specter, after Specter voted for Obama’s economic recovery package. That helped fuel Specter’s departure from the Republican Party. Now, some members of the RNC are taking matters into their own hands and trying to limit further damage that Steele can do to their party. The Washington Times reports:[A battle over control of the party's purse strings has erupted at the troubled Republican National Committee, with defenders of Chairman Michael S. Steele accusing dissident RNC members of trying to "embarrass and neuter" the party's new leader. Randy Pullen, the RNC's elected treasurer, former RNC General Counsel David Norcross and three other former top RNC officers have presented Mr. Steele with a resolution, calling for a new set of checks and balances on the chairman's power to dole out money. ]Steele has rejected calls for his resignation. “Not me Baby! Nuh-uh. Not happening. No way, no how!” he said in March.Link: appears, this _“see we gotta black guy too” _ gimmick just isn’t working out for the GOP.

By: Truthiz Wed, 29 Apr 2009 16:03:00 +0000 Nixon’s “Southern Strategy”, as perfected by Lee Atwater and Karl Rove, has indeed WORKED.Frankly, it’s worked so well that some people are now referring to the GOP as “the Confederate party”. And "the base" no doubt would take that as a compliment_smh. Regarding Specter: Bill Kristol_the little neoCON_says Specter’s defection is a “good thing for the Republican party.” This is the same cretin who helped orchestrate the UNJUST pre-emptive “war” against Iraq saying our military would be greeted, by the Iraqi people, with chocolates and other assorted sweets; picked Sarah Palin as McCain’s VP choice, saying that she was more qualified to be President than Barack Obama; wants the U.S. to wage a preemptive strike against Iran on behalf of Israel.In other words Kristol is an intellectually bankrupt MORON and chicken-hawk ta boot. he's also a Republican_what a shock? (snark) IMO, Specter’s move crystallizes the fact that the GOP, as a viable political party, NO LONGER EXIST. It's devolved into a fringe party comprised mostly of Unintelligent, hate-mongering MISFITS of every right-wing ilk. Regarding Steele and the entire Republican leadership: Simply put: These boyz are NO “brighter” than “the base” they serve_ (they certainly DON’T lead) _which explains the Mindlessness and Madness that’s come to define the Republican Party today. It’s called “Republicanism”. Republican "Conservatism" is DEAD.I’m pretty sure that Buckley and Goldwater _H*ll even Nixon_would agree with me on this!
