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Can you believe this?  After a 6 day run, the Republican National Committee has finally removed a fan-posted pic from its Facebook page showing President Obama eating fried chicken with the slogan, “Miscegenation Is a CRIME against American values… Repeal Loving v. Virginia.” (EDITOR’S NOTE:  For anyone unaware, Loving v. Virginia is a milestone civil rights case that led the Supreme Court to rule that prohibiting interracial marriage violates the Constitution).

The racist photo was posted by the user “Gee Dub, with the following comments:
“Racism is necessary in our capitalistic system. To subject ourselves to the socialist ideal of equality will surely destroy the American way of life. As a black man, racism has served as a great inspiration for me to work harder. God bless the Republican Party and God bless America.”

The picture remained on the RNC’s Facebook site for 6 full days until the liberal blog The Democratic Underground drew attention to the offensive image Sunday evening.  By Monday night, the photo was taken down from the site without comment.  Although there is no proof the photos were posted by an official of the RNC, it is rather odd they were allowed to remain on the site until public outcry forced the RNC to take them down.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. They still can't stand the fact a black man is president. This doesn't surprise me!

  2. Hey DJ!I've been away attending to important family matters but I'm back and as usual I see you've been keeping it interesting :)Sorry I missed the Pat Buchannan discussion but as always the Rethuglicans continue to provide more than enough Hatred and Ignorance to keep discussions going for eons to come. They really are pathetic creatures (sigh)!

  3. BTW: As per a somewhat related story, there seems to be no shortage of proof that Rethuglican “elites’ have been playing their undereducated and ignorant-azz “base” for decades:HuffPost:Vice President George H. W. Bush confided in Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that he believed Ronald Reagan was an "extreme conservative" supported by "blockheads and dummies," the former Soviet leader claims."In 1987, after my first visit to the United States, Vice President Bush accompanied me to the airport, and told me: 'Reagan is a conservative. An extreme conservative. All the blockheads and dummies are for him, and when he says that something is necessary, they trust him. But if some Democrat had proposed what Reagan did, with you, they might not have trusted him,'" Gorbachev said in an interview with The Nation.Full Read: <a href="… />Tea-baggers, birthers, talibangelicals, neoCONmen, neoKlanservatives and the like. Yes indeed. THAT’S the GOP. Pretty d*mn sad…smh.

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