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Rodman Stirs International Incident

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It’s usually a good day when the circus comes to town. But when North Korea is the circus and Dennis Rodman is the lead clown, things go haywire.

Acting as if he was the newly named US diplomat who was dispatched overseas as the highest-profile American to visit Kim Jong-Un, North Korea’s young and new dictator,  Dennis Rodman proved he’s a master at making a spectacle of himself.

Rodman’s recent trip to the communist nation was supposedly at the request of the North Korean leader, who was a huge fan of the 90’s Michael Jordan-led Chicago Bulls, of which Rodman was a member.  Still, no one expected to see Rodman sitting front and center with Kim Jong-Un on the official dais, as if they were old homies.  But Rodman, who once played the fool by wearing a wedding dress to promote his autobiography, returned home and played “Mr. International” by attempting to explain the dictator’s worldview and to present him to the American public as just an amazingly nice and normal guy.  “I don’t want to do war. I don’t want to do war.” Rodman says Kim told him. Hmmm…

In an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Rodman called Kim an “awesome guy.” However, once Stephanopoulos reminded him of North Korea’s awful human rights record, Rodman pulled back on the praise, saying “He’s a good guy to me… as a person to person, he’s my friend. I don’t condone what he does.”


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. DJ you called it right, Rodmans a clown. Always has been for as long as I been following the NBA. This guy is too stupid to realize he was just being used. Now all a sudden Kim Jung is his friend and he loves him after 2 days?? Yeah right!

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