Comments on: Roger Stone Pardon Is The Final Straw News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 20 Jul 2020 02:13:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Saleem Mon, 13 Jul 2020 18:46:14 +0000 I wasn’t aware of this NY law. It seems to be the best method of justice against Stone without 45 meddling. I also agree with the constitutional change for presidential powers. What a shame we’re in a place where this needs to be addressed.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 13 Jul 2020 14:23:24 +0000 Donald Trump’s late-night Roger Stone pardon should come as a surprise to no one. Instead, the concern should focus on how lawmakers can prevent a travesty of justice like this from ever happening again. […]

Thank you DJ. You are absolutely right to point out what the focus of concern SHOULD be for the Dems (and the media). CNN and MSNBC are so obsessed with Trump they’re easily distracted by his every little tweet. 
The one positive thing this nightmare of a presidency has forced Us to SEE is this – the critical problems WE face as a nation and a people are waay bigger than Trump beginning with the strength of The Constitution (or the weakness thereof) which brings me to your question: 

“Is it time to amend the constitution to prevent presidential abuse of power?”

YES! And without hesitation. Madison really dropped the ball on this issue in particular. 

By: Mr.BD Mon, 13 Jul 2020 12:00:50 +0000 I like the idea from Nancy Pelosi. Change the law so it cannot happen again. But I also like what is going on in New York. If they have a law Trump cannot touch that is even better. They can go after Roger Stone and Trump too.
