Comments on: ROMNEY ATTACKS OBAMA ON LIBYA News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Thu, 13 Sep 2012 18:35:03 +0000 …more from REAL Conservatives…..Commenter:"What has become increasingly obvious is that the Republicon party is dangerous to US interests. It works for the interests of such a small group of people that it is now an anti-democratic party that wishes to push an ideologyand policies that no longer serves the Republic, but are, in actuality, dangerous to it."Commenter:Romney’s performance is no surprise. His pick with Ryan has turned out to be a disaster. I thought Ryan would help Romney out, Ryan appeared to me as a man who would remain cool and calm. Instead blundered as much as Romney, he’s lied about simple things like marathon times, and about serious issues like saying he didn’t vote for defense cuts. These aren’t one time things, they happen more often than not.The Republican party needs a make over. The attitude from those that represent our party have completely gone off base, and borderline insane. Our party looks crazy on TV and a lot of Republican politicians are going to extreme measure. I am very uneasy about the future of the Republican party. Way too many lines have been crossed by elected officials. […]Commenter:As a lifelong Republican, from a long line of them, it seems clear to me that we’ve allowed the ideologues, tax-crazies, criminals, idiots, and sociopaths to take over the party. Just in order to gain back control.But then we seem to have forgotten. Once these people get the power, they will USE it.And we will have bigoted laws. Defaulted governments. And foreign policies of instability for its own sake.WHAT were we thinking????  […]Read:

By: Truthiz Thu, 13 Sep 2012 18:19:51 +0000 …Real Conservatives react to Larison:Commenter:"What is becoming increasingly clear is that a Romney Presidency may truly be dangerous to America’s interests. Having someone so devoid of judgment being led by the nose by neo-cons who want nothing more than wars with multiple Muslim countries is a recipe for disaster."Commenter:"He has no judgement and no knowledge and would be controlled by the same cons that brought us Iraq."Commenter:"I’m a mild Republican but this was completely off the wall. In fact it’s part of a bigger piece that’s making me increasingly uneasy with Romney. I was never very enthusiastic but scarcely a day goes by he doesn’t make some silly comment or error of judgement but this takes the cake. Four Americans have been killed because of routine demo of the sort that always occurs whenever one of these crazy provocations occurs and Romney is lying about statements made by diplomats in our embassy in Cairo a muslim country. Has this man NO judgement?"Commenter:"It illustrates what many here suspect, which is that Romney’s ignorance and malleability will lead him to act rashly, based on bad advice from bad advisors."

By: Truthiz Thu, 13 Sep 2012 18:12:58 +0000 …back to Romney…..D. Larison: "Romney’s “Lehman Moment”?The extraordinary thing is that Romney may have been losing yesterday, but he wasn’t being widely ridiculed and attacked for having practically disqualified himself from consideration. When senior Republican foreign policy professionals start referring to this as his “Lehman moment,” likening it to McCain’s mid-September meltdown in response to the financial crisis, we can see that Romney’s latest attempt to seize on an international event has done significant and possibly irreparable damage to his campaign. Most Americans may not sympathize with Romney’s more aggressive foreign policy, but they might have been willing to believe him to be competent and have good judgment. This blunder undermines his claims to both of these.Romney has made many foreign policy blunders before now, but this is the only one that has provoked such swift, harsh, and near-unanimous criticism. The most incredible part is that all of this has been self-inflicted. Romney and his campaign volunteered for this by inserting themselves into the story. If it were simply the other campaign or Democratic partisans that were hammering Romney on this, it wouldn’t be any different from previous mistakes, but the backlash hasn’t been limited to his partisan foes. The dishonesty of the original Romney statement and the gall of his press conference (yesterday) have combined to create serious doubts about his judgment and to confirm the impression that there are no limits to his opportunism. […]Read:

By: Truthiz Thu, 13 Sep 2012 17:47:02 +0000 And on a related note…Looks like they've identified the guy who made that disgusting film which may have served as an convenient EXCUSE for what appears to be PLANNED riots in Libya and Egypt. And contrary to initial reports suggesting he was "Jewish" and named Sam Bacile…the guy is actually a Coptic Christian and his name ain't Sam.TDB: "Mohammed Movie’s Mystery Director"Bacile is most likely 55-year-old Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, a California Coptic Christian convicted of federal bank fraud charges. In 2010, he was ordered to pay more than $790,000 in restitution, and sentenced to 21 months in federal prison. Nakoula told the AP that he was involved in the film and said he knew Bacile.After some of the actors in the film were located yesterday, the players issued a joint statement claiming they were duped by the man who called himself Sam Bacile. One actress who had a small role in the film, Cindy Lee Garcia, told Gawker that she thought she was appearing in another film about ancient Egyptians, supposedly titled Desert Warriors, and that the offensive anti-Muslim dialogue was dubbed during the post-production of the film. Garcia said the man who claimed to be Bacile told her he was from Egypt, and spoke Arabic to some of the “dark-skinned” cast members. [..]  Read:…  

By: Truthiz Thu, 13 Sep 2012 16:42:30 +0000 You got that right BD. "Desperation." 
