Comments on: ROMNEY ON A ROLL News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 05 Mar 2012 18:15:57 +0000 The Romney campaign is correct in their belief that Mitt stands a good chance of locking-up the GOP nomination IF he does well tomorrow. But "momentum" ain't the word I'd use…lolThe truth is, AFTER YEARS of running for president, and having tons of $$$ to fund his pursuit, Mitt has turned out to be the "tallest midget" among midgets, this year, which is why he's still likely to win the GOP nomination and then go on to LOSE in spectacular Repub fashion to Pres. Obama in November (absent another national security crisis or further financial meltdown).Even if Mitt can't admit the truth to himself, his campaign staff surely knows it. But they're getting paid to keep up the front and so they'll keep babbling on (with a lot of help from the media) that it's going to come down to a "tight-race" between Romney and Pres. Obama…the exact same way it was supposed to have been a "tight-race" between McCain and Obama (rolling my eyes).Tomorrow's outcome (including Repub voter turnout) will be interesting.  
