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What would you think if an ordinary citizen owned the voting machines that were to be used in the 2012 presidential election?  Better yet, what would you think if that “ordinary citizen” was the son of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and that he owned the very machines that are to be used in Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Washington and Colorado in less than 3 weeks??

In one of the greatest conflicts of interest in history, Mitt’s eldest son Tagg Romney — yes, the same son who wanted to “take a swing” at President Obama — along with other members of the Romney family and Bain Capital, have taken over a fair share of the Austin-based e-voting machine company Hart Intercivic.

According to the publication Truth Out:

Through a closely held equity fund called Solamere, Mitt Romney and his wife, son and brother are major investors in an investment firm called H.I.G. Capital. H.I.G. in turn holds a majority share and three out of five board members in Hart Intercivic, a company that owns the notoriously faulty electronic voting machines that will count the ballots in swing state Ohio November 7. Hart machines will also be used elsewhere in the United States.

In other words, a candidate for the presidency of the United States, and his brother, wife and son, have a straight-line financial interest in the voting machines that could decide this fall’s election. These machines cannot be monitored by the public. But they will help decide who “owns” the White House.

This is a blatant travesty of justice that could conceivably fix the November election in Romney’s favor. A public petition is being circulated, asking Attorney General Eric Holder to launch a full and immediate investigation into the matter.

To sign the petition,  CLICK HERE.

PLEASE, PLEASE share this info with everyone you know and get them to sign the petition as well. Let it be known that we will not tolerate a repeat of the 2000 Bush-Gore election that fixed the vote counting and paralyzed a nation.





DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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