Comments on: ROMNEY STUMBLES IN DEBATE News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 12 Dec 2011 19:56:21 +0000 I don't like Mittt..not even a little. But THIS is the kind of *Christianist* madness he's up against:"Newt Gingrich’s faith journey: How a thrice-married Catholic became an evangelical darling"Excerpt:On an e-mail thread among conservative Christian heavyweights, Jerry Falwell Jr. invoked the biblical story of a woman of ill repute who met Jesus at a well. Though the woman had been married five times, Jesus forgave her.On the same e-mail chain, which CNN obtained from a conservative activist, prominent Atlanta preacher Richard Lee said the nation’s evangelicals needed to support Gingrich.Lee called Gingrich “the ONLY forceful Christian candidate who can at this point be elected AND CLEANSE the White House next November.”        [….]Full:…H/T: Andrew Sullivan's -The DishI trust that, by now, Pres. Obama FULLY understands what he's up against. His enemies wish to destroy him_and they wish for NOTHING short of that. In their twisted and (dare I say) Evil minds the Pres. has, by his very presence, FOULED the White House and dirtied its *Hallowed Halls.* Therefore, it MUST be "cleansed."Wow. Not even subtle…smh.   It's clear, a HUGE portion of GOP *base* voters happily embrace (and promote) Hatred of "the Others" (much like they embrace and promote ignorance). THAT is their true religion. Hate.  

By: Beth Stanton Mon, 12 Dec 2011 17:39:05 +0000 Long time readers know I am a devoted supporter of Mitt Romney. However, I must admit to some disappointment in the way he has handled the campaign. I simply cannot support Newt Gingrich since he goes against all my moral values. I also do not want four more years of Obama. There is still plenty of time left so I am praying for Mitt to turn things around. 

By: BD Mon, 12 Dec 2011 16:37:13 +0000 I gotta agree with you Truth its all about to come to light soon. Romney has run a horrible campaign and it's not gotten better. Good for me though since I'm a Obama supporter. Put any one of these clowns up against Obama and he's gonna wipe the floor with them. Oh yeah and I like the circus story from last Friday DJ. Funny stuff.

By: Truthiz Mon, 12 Dec 2011 16:15:33 +0000 This was the GOP's 12th debate. I stoppedd watching them after the 6th debate. Viewing a few recaps and reading right-wing blogs for their reactions usually provides me with enough info to tell which way the wind is blowing in GOP world. As DJ noted: In this last debate Romney had a job to do and he Failed miserably. Now Newt appears to be stronger than ever. But the truth is: Romney could've ran a brilliant campaign thus far (he hasn't) and he could've won every debate thus far (he hasn't )_it STILL wouldn't have been enough to impress the majority of Repub *base* voters to support him in their primary…and We all know why.Look. Newt has done Everything under the sun, over the past 30 yrs (politically AND personally). And yet, *base* voters of the so-called Party of High "morals, principals and family values" could NOT care less. Newt's a "Christian" and Romney "ISN'T." If Newt is all the stands between Repub base-voters and Romney (by extension, the establishment) well, those voters seem to be saying they're with Newt. But we'll see in about 3 weeks.The Iowa, N.H., S.C., and Fla. results we'll begin to give us a clearer picture of just what the deal is with the GOP. Doesn't look good for Romney or the party.
