Is Mitt Romney a wimp? Newsweek magazine seems to think so.
With Romney appearing on the cover, Newsweek used their new issue to harshly define his alleged “wimpiness” as a sort of wide-ranging insecurity that forces the Republican presidential candidate into a series of gaffes like the ones he committed in London late last week.
Here is an excerpt from Newsweek’s Michael Tomasky:
“He’s kind of lame, and he’s really … annoying. He keeps saying these … things, these incredibly off-key things. Then he apologizes immediately—with all the sincerity of a hostage. Or maybe he doesn’t: sometimes he whines about the subsequent attacks on him. But the one thing he never does? Man up, double down, take his lumps.”
Tomasky went on to question Mitt’s readiness to be Commander-In-Chief, adding that Americans want strong leaders telling them hard truths, but Mitt Romney isn’t it!
I tend to like Tomasky's take on most (not all) socio-political issues. I think he's on solid ground to question Romney's "readiness to be Commander-In-Chief" …any sane and reasonably intelligent American should, especially in light of _well, darn near ALL that Romney has shown us since beginning his presidential campaign. However, unless Tomaksy et al who call Romney a "wimp" are willing to admit that NEITHER party has put forth MEN who are Profiles-in-Courage (INCLUDING the President) then I think the "wimp" diss is over the line.In fact, IMO, the only 2 "leaders" in D.C., who have demonstrated that they're truly NOT afraid to take on friends and foes alike (when necessary) COME WHAT MAY_are Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.
..on a related note….Quote for the Day"Much of what is wrong with the U.S.-Israel relationship today can be found in that Romney trip. In recent years, the Republican Party has decided to make Israel a wedge issue. In order to garner more Jewish (and evangelical) votes and money, the G.O.P. decided to “out-pro-Israel” the Democrats by being even more unquestioning of Israel. This arms race has pulled the Democratic Party to the right on the Middle East and has basically forced the Obama team to shut down the peace process and drop any demands that Israel freeze settlements. This, in turn, has created a culture in Washington where State Department officials, not to mention politicians, are reluctant to even state publicly what is U.S. policy — that settlements are “an obstacle to peace” — for fear of being denounced as anti-Israel," – <span>Tom Friedman</span>. H/T: A. SullivanNYTimes: "Why Not in Vegas?"…WIMPS.