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Chalk up another one for Mitt Romney, who is the big winner in yesterday’s Puerto Rico primary.

Romney’s victory in the U.S. territory was so convincing, he won all 20 delegates at stake without having to share any due to winning more than 50% of the vote. This was also a much needed win for Romney, who was trounced last week by Rick Santorum in Alabama and Mississippi.

However, don’t expect the GOP nomination fight to end anytime soon.  Although Romney is slowly pulling ahead, he is still deeply short of the required 1144 delegates for the nomination.  Also, Santorum says he is in the contest for the long haul because Romney is a weak front-runner.

“This is a primary process where somebody had a huge advantage, huge money advantage, huge advantage of establishment support and he hasn’t been able to close the deal and even come close to closing the deal,” Santorum said. “That tells you that there’s a real flaw there.”

Romney and Santorum, along with Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul will have an opportunity to battle once again when Illinois goes to the polls tomorrow. OK WASSUP! will provide election results and discussion here on Wednesday.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Well of course Mitt trounced Santorum in Puerto Rico!3 days before that primary Santorum's down there spouting right-wing ignorant crap that was bound to lose him lots of votes. Paraphrasing one of his cooments: "Puerto Rico has to make English the offical primary language if it is to become the 51st state." If I've got the history correct(?)…English AND Spanish, both, have been the official and primary languages of Puerto Rico since at least 1993.But Mitt may have done himself some damage too (as this very sensitive issue relates to future primaries) when in TRUE Mitt form, Mitt got to Puerto Rico and apparently decided to ABANDON his own "English-Only" stand which he had prouldy been proclaiming PRIOR TO the primary in Puerto Rico.Say what you will about the right-wing idiocy of Santorum. At least you know where the man stands on any number of highly contraversial issues. Mitt? The man doesn't appear to have a principled bone in his body. And my guess… Read more »


Well THAT certainly didn't take long:National Journal: "Santorum: Romney Pandered to Get Puerto Rico Vote"Rick Santorum may have lost in Puerto Rico, but he came back with what can only be described as a scathing concession statement, in which his campaign says Mitt Romney “put political expedience and political deception ahead of previously held policy positions” and accuses the former Massachusetts governor of switching positions on English and Puerto Rican statehood.The unusual release by the campaign “congratulates” Romney, but goes on to say that the former Massachusetts governor “will do and say anything to get votes.”  […]Read:…Will Mitt still most likely win the Illinois primary tomorrow? Yes. But it may end up being a closer fight between him and Santorum than is being predicted, especially when you factor in the consistently LOW voter turnout for GOP primaries across most states thus far. We shall see.  

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