Comments on: ROMNEY AIDE IN GAY SCANDAL News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 20 Feb 2012 20:40:53 +0000 Following up on my 2nd response….more BAD news for Romney: TheHill: "Romney adviser says Michigan not a 'must-win' for campaign"Romney, who was raised in Michigan and whose father was once governor of the state, has fallen behind Rick Santorum in most of the polls there. Many conservatives are predicting chaos in the GOP nomination process if Romney can’t close the deal in his home-state.But speaking Monday on MSNBC, senior Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom said a win in Michigan was not necessary to securing the nomination. [….]Read:…HAH. Yeah. Riiiight.   Walter Shapiro: "Romney’s “embarrassing reality… He cannot, if nominated, beat Barack Obama.”THE MITT ROMNEY CRISIS transcends the seven straight national polls showing Rick Santorum in the lead. It goes beyond the embarrassing reality that the son of an auto executive and two-term governor has been behind in every Michigan poll conducted since Groundhog’s Day. Even more devastating for Romney is that elite Republicans have begun to conclude that he cannot, if nominated, beat Barack Obama. About the only argument that still works for Romney among GOP insiders is that he would be less of a drag on the ticket than the strident Santorum or the mercurial Newt Gingrich.  With the exception of Mike Dukakis (what is it about governors of Massachusetts?), it is impossible to recall a top-tier presidential contender who aroused such little passion among the voters.Read: "Why Mitt Romney's Presidential Prospects May Not Be Salvageable"…H/T:

By: Truthiz Mon, 20 Feb 2012 19:57:52 +0000 <span>Back to the Sheriff Babeu scandal….   Just heard a CNN reporter, reporting from Phoenix. Paraphrasing the reporter: "People are now telling me that they knew about the Sheriff being gay. But no one is saying whether or not they knew about the threats he's alleged to have made against his ex-lover."     Following up on my first response: The GOP's good ole boyz *WE GOT YOUR BACK* club in Az have known what Babeu is about for quite some time, including the ethnicity AND the ILLEGAL status of his ex-lover, AND the threats the Sheriff made against the man.     Now. IF the charges are proven to be true, I'd say it's also a pretty sure bet that the sheriff's recent ex-lover is NOT the first gay man the Sheriff has treated in such an "abuse of power" fashion.</span>

By: Truthiz Mon, 20 Feb 2012 18:03:06 +0000 <span>And in OTHER Romney related news that Mitt probably does NOT want to hear:   Haberman & Martin: "Worry over Mitt Romney sparks talk of Tampa"   There are growing calls for an alternative to Mitt Romney as the Republican standard-bearer, with the names of Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie again being seen as the most likely saviors. </span><span></span><span>With concerns over Romney rising after a series of gaffes and polls showing him losing to Rick Santorum in Michigan a state in which he was born and raised — and with a protracted primary fight ahead, some Republican activists are desperately looking for alternatives. Most concede that it’s late in the game and such a scenario is highly unlikely.  [….]   Read:…</span><span></span><span></span><span>"Most concede that it’s late in the game and such a scenario is highly unlikely." </span><span></span><span>Yeah. As in, the chances are slim-to-NONE and slim left the buliding a looong time ago…lolMitt's NOT going to beat the President. Period. Heck not only will most of Talibangelicals and Teapartiers NOT support him in the general…they are fiercely working right now to DEFEAT him in the primaries/caucuses. Meanwhile all of the right-wing extremisms have sent WOMEN and Independents running from the GOP in droves.</span><span></span><span>That said. Mitt MUST win the Michigan primary on Feb. 28th to even keep up the ILLUSION that he's the Repub that can beat the President. </span>

By: Truthiz Mon, 20 Feb 2012 15:35:42 +0000 <span>"Needless to say, the Arizona Republican Party is not amused.  Nor is the Arizona Sheriff's Department."   Lol. They're certainy not happy that this clown_and his life on the *DL*_has now been exposed for all the world to see. To say nothing of his same-sex relationship with an ILLEGAL immigrant no less …smh.   But frankly I'd bet that more than a few members of the Arizona Repub leadership AS WELL AS his inner circle in the Sheriff's Dept _altogether known as the good ole boyz "WE GOT YOUR BACK" club_ knew darn well what Sheriff Babeu is about.     The truth is, when it comes to pathological liars, HYPOCRITES of every sorted ilk and sexually repressed MEN (gay and straight), the Republican Party's CUP runneth over.    What a Pathetic lot and a Pathetic party.</span>
