He may not officially have the Republican nomination for president sewn up yet, but he sure is well on his way.
Mitt Romney proved why he is the front runner and inevitable nominee by winning all 3 GOP primaries last night. Voters in Wisconsin, Maryland and the District of Columbia overwhelmingly made it clear that Romney is their man.
“Thank you to Wisconsin, Maryland and Washington, D.C. We won them all!” Romney told supporters in Milwaukee. “This really has been quite a night. We’ve won a great victory tonight in our campaign to restore the promise of America.”
Despite their losses, both Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich vowed to stay in the race, despite their chances to seize the nomination becoming slimmer by the day. According to Santorum, he’s “Ready to charge out of the locker room for a strong second half.” Hmmm… well good luck with that!
D.C. – 70%
Maryland – 49%
Wisconsin – 42%
D.C. – (was not on the ballot)
Maryland – 28%
Wisconsin – 37%
D.C. – 10%
Maryland – 10%
Wisconsin – 6%
D.C. – 12%
Maryland – 9%
Wisconsin -11%
As always, I'm interested in how the GOP voter turnout went. And as usual this year, GOP turnout was LOW.PolicyMic: "Wisconsin Republican Primary Results"Low Turnout in the Badger State: According to exit polls, Republicans account for fewer than six in 10 voters in Tuesday’s Wisconsin primary according to preliminary exit polls, marking a sharp downturn from 2008.Four years ago, they made up 73 percent of voters, well above the roughly six in 10 in Tuesday’s contest. In the early exit poll data, about three in 10 voters identify as independents, up from four years ago, and the proportion of Democrats has more than doubled. […]Read:…So um MAYHAPS Repub voters are simply holding back their enthusiasm until AFTER the GOP primaries end and Mittt has officially secured the nomination …AND THEN those voters will really let loose with throwing their "ENERGIZED" support behind Mitt???Yeah. Yeah. That's got to be it./sarc 😉 !
Regarding Santorum and Gingrich:I agree. It's over for both of them. But they're not going away. At least, not yet, anyway. Santorum is still banking winning the GOP primaries in Pennsylvania (April 24th) and Texas (May 29th). What isn't clear is whether he'll consider throwing in the towel if he loses one, or both, of those states(?) Newt? Welp…lol. I haven't the foggiest clue as to why he's still hanging on except to be a thorn in Mitt's side. There's absolutely NO other reason.