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Ron DeSantis, Abbott, Stage GOP Migrant Stunts

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Republican Govs. Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott of Texas are being heckled after a series of staged stunts involving migrants appears to have backfired.

Immigration :
The GOP, which was led by Donald Trump’s “Build That Wall” movement, has a long tradition of wanting to keep Mexicans and other “South of the Border” (read: brown skin) migrants out of the United States. So, it should come as no surprise that Gov. Ron DeSantis (who is all but certain to run for president in 2024) and Gov. Greg Abbott (who’s simply a crotchety old conservative fool) are behind a failed scheme to get back at President Joe Biden and liberal Democrats for their stance on the migrant and immigration issue.

Ron DeSantis

For those migrants who have dared to cross into the State of Texas, Greg Abbott has been spending taxpayer dollars to bus them to Democratically-controlled cities, including New York and Washington, DC. As if to underscore his message, he even sent a busload of asylum seekers to the home of Vice-President Kamala Harris and ordered the driver to drop them off on her doorstep.

So as to not be outdone, Ron DeSantis took the scheme a step further and sent 2 planes filled with migrants to Martha’s Vineyard — the tiny Massachusetts island where prominent and wealthy liberals like to live and gather. He also threatened to follow Abbott’s lead and drop a busload of mostly Venezualean migrants off at the estate of Barack and Michelle Obama.

DeSantis expected a scene of hundreds of dirty migrants arriving on Martha’s Vineyard with nowhere to go — and Democrats freaking out that their prized and pristine island had been soiled by outsiders. Instead, his salty scheme didn’t exactly go as planned.

Upon arrival, the migrants were welcomed and immediately transported to a military base on Cape Cod, which provided a comfortable facility capable of handling an influx of hundreds of people that the island couldn’t supply. Additionally, the migrants were each given cell phones and $50 Visa cards.

Next, the residents of Martha’s Vineyard collected food and clothing for the weary travelers and went on to raise $175,000 for their well-being.

  • Ron DeSantis
  • Ron DeSantis

“There have also been a number of reports that as these buses have rolled since April, many migrants have not traveled all the way to Northern blue states but have rather hopped off in Georgia and Tennessee and other red states where the living is cheaper. And guess what? The locals got mad, GOP politicians threw gas on the fire, and in some cases the buses quit making stops in those states. But you see, since they’re open in their contempt for brown people, they’re not hypocrites, so it’s all right.”

– Michael Tomasky, The New Republic

The right-wing Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott wanted to show liberals just how uncomfortable it is to have a hundred brown migrants suddenly show up at your door. Instead, the residents of Martha’s Vineyard ended up teaching the GOP governors how to handle an unexpected situation with kindness and compassion.

Needless to say, the Republican stunt stagers are fretting and fuming: “DRATS! foiled again!”



OK WASSUP! discusses Immigration:
Ron DeSantis and Gregg Abbott stunts backfire.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Okay I’m late getting to this……

The reason Fake-azz “TUFF” guy scmucks like Trump, DeSantis and Abbot are looked upon as leaders in the Republican party is because the Republican party ceased to be an actual political party for normal, everyday people quite some time ago.

Trump (OR more likely, Bannon and/or Stone) figured out the secret sauce to appeal to, and exploit and nd control “the base” of that Fake-azz, scmuck party in 2016, when he came down that gaudy escalator and declared his candidacy for President. That day still gives me pause because the horrific outcome was SOOO predictable! But I digress

Despite the backlash against their latest stunt, DeSantis and Abbot will no doubt keep up the stunts as long as they have the money and power to do so. Because they’re schmucks. That’s all they are. That’s all they’ll ever be.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

Now let me say a word about the wealthy (mostly) liberals residents of Martha’s Vineyard.

I will admit, I was actually a little surprised to see how welcoming many of the residents were to the migrants. And those residents should be commended for that!

But it’s also not lost on me that the migrants were only there for a very short time. They arrived at MV last Wed. and by last Friday they “moved” to Joint Base Cape Cod.

In other words, the wealthy folk welcomed the migrants with Open arms…for about a day and half, before the migrants were relocated elsewhere with a quickness!


I meant to say: ….they were “moved’ to Joint Base Cape Cod.


Hey Truth I have to disagree with you about this. I never been up to Marthas Vineyard before but my boss has. He was saying it has nothing but mansions and no place for migrants to live on a street like if they were in a big city. Plus he said the military base has actual places for these people to live and eat and be comfortable. Maybe some people did not want them wandering around the island. But the military base was the best place for them to get off the street and have a place to sleep until the government steps in. It was better than what Desantis did for them.


“I never been up to Marthas Vineyard before but my boss has. He was saying it has nothing but mansions and no place for migrants to live..”

BD, I’ve got nothing but love for you as my online brother by another mother! BUT let that sink in for a minute my brotha…Lol

Seriously though, I was simply pointing out that good people of MV wasted pretty much NO time moving the migrants to another town altogether that’s “better suited” for them.


I am real late today too. So everybody says Desantis is going to run. But he is a worse version of Trump. Trump was just dumb but Desantis does have some smarts. Between him and that Texas governor they and Trump are just about to run the Repub party in the ground. And this stunt with the migrants prove it.


DeSantis is certainly a more dangerous version of Trump because DeSantis is polished, more clever and has a little bit of a working brain. But his vision for America is just as evil.

Trump’s brain is totally jacked up. Just a pile of extremely impulsive and defective brain-matter. Thankfully!

Or WE would already be living in a post-democracy America!

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

Wil did not give us a article today. But I found this online in the Miami Herald. Desantis could be in some trouble for pulling his stunt. Authorities in Texas have opened a criminal investigation into Gov. Ron DeSantis’ operation to fly roughly 50 Venezuelan migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard last week.  Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar announced at a news conference Monday that his office is investigating whether the migrants were the victims of a crime, saying they were “lured under false pretenses.” Many migrants said they agreed to fly from San Antonio to the Massachusetts island after being promised jobs. But there was no work waiting.  “I believe people need to be held accountable for it to the extent possible,” Salazar said. “At this point, I’m not able to definitively say here’s the statute that they broke, either federal, state or local, but what I can tell… Read more »

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