Comments on: Ron DeSantis, Abbott, Stage GOP Migrant Stunts News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 26 Sep 2022 04:14:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Tue, 20 Sep 2022 20:20:25 +0000 In reply to Mr.BD.

DeSantis is certainly a more dangerous version of Trump because DeSantis is polished, more clever and has a little bit of a working brain. But his vision for America is just as evil.

Trump’s brain is totally jacked up. Just a pile of extremely impulsive and defective brain-matter. Thankfully!

Or WE would already be living in a post-democracy America!

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 20 Sep 2022 19:55:44 +0000 In reply to Mr.BD.

“I never been up to Marthas Vineyard before but my boss has. He was saying it has nothing but mansions and no place for migrants to live..”

BD, I’ve got nothing but love for you as my online brother by another mother! BUT let that sink in for a minute my brotha…Lol

Seriously though, I was simply pointing out that good people of MV wasted pretty much NO time moving the migrants to another town altogether that’s “better suited” for them.

By: Mr.BD Tue, 20 Sep 2022 18:29:17 +0000 Wil did not give us a article today. But I found this online in the Miami Herald. Desantis could be in some trouble for pulling his stunt.

Authorities in Texas have opened a criminal investigation into Gov. Ron DeSantis’ operation to fly roughly 50 Venezuelan migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard last week. 

Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar announced at a news conference Monday that his office is investigating whether the migrants were the victims of a crime, saying they were “lured under false pretenses.” Many migrants said they agreed to fly from San Antonio to the Massachusetts island after being promised jobs. But there was no work waiting. 

“I believe people need to be held accountable for it to the extent possible,” Salazar said. “At this point, I’m not able to definitively say here’s the statute that they broke, either federal, state or local, but what I can tell you is it’s wrong. Just from a human rights perspective, what was done to these folks is wrong.”

By: Mr.BD Tue, 20 Sep 2022 18:20:25 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

Hey Truth I have to disagree with you about this. I never been up to Marthas Vineyard before but my boss has. He was saying it has nothing but mansions and no place for migrants to live on a street like if they were in a big city. Plus he said the military base has actual places for these people to live and eat and be comfortable. Maybe some people did not want them wandering around the island. But the military base was the best place for them to get off the street and have a place to sleep until the government steps in. It was better than what Desantis did for them.

By: Mr.BD Tue, 20 Sep 2022 18:14:25 +0000 I am real late today too. So everybody says Desantis is going to run. But he is a worse version of Trump. Trump was just dumb but Desantis does have some smarts. Between him and that Texas governor they and Trump are just about to run the Repub party in the ground. And this stunt with the migrants prove it.
