Bullying Becomes Melania Trump’s Platform
Like other first lady’s before her, Melania Trump has finally settled on an issue to be her pet project: bullying. IS SHE SERIOUS???
Mrs. Trump launched her (anti) bullying crusade on Monday with a surprise visit to a middle school in the Detroit suburb of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, where she talked with kids about being inclusive with each other and true to themselves.
“I think it’s important that we choose kindness and compassion,” she said.
Now, either the current Mrs. Trump is deeply delusional or is sending up a “smoke signal” as a cry for help. After all, she is married to America’s #1 bully-in-chief, who has used Twitter as his bullying pulpit of choice to insult several Republican senators, ridicule a Democratic congresswoman, mock Hillary Clinton, condemn the news media, criticize the National Football League, and accuse the grieving widow of a slain US soldier of lying. And these are his actions over just the past 10 days.
Is Melania Trump truly clueless about her own husband’s devious acts, or is her selection of an anti-bullying platform a secret slap in the face to him?
“By our own example, we must teach children to be good stewards of the world they will inherit. We need to remember that they are always watching and listening. It is our responsibility to take the lead in teaching children the values of empathy and communication that are at the core of kindness, mindfulness, integrity and leadership.” – Melania Trump
Like Ivana Trump and Marla Maples Trump before her, Melania is almost certainly bound to a confidentiality agreement with “The Donald” — meaning she can never ever utter a negative syllable about him in public. So, it would make sense that if she wanted to address his severe bullying habit, the best legal way to do it in order to avoid a nullification of their prenup would be to take up the issue as an official cause.

Yes, Melania Trump may actually be smart enough to pull this one off. Take on the issue of bullying as the First Lady’s platform, seize every opportunity to discuss how awful it is to bully someone, send Donald Trump a hidden message deriding his bullying act, and avoid all legal recourse in the process. Yep, that would be pretty smart.
Unsubstantiated reports are that Melania would have been allowed to vacate the marriage if Donald had not won the presidency — which might explain why she has always looked so somber around him in public and took months to move to Washington and settle into her official role as First Lady. If true, her anti-bullying campaign is like having a superpower that only he and she know about.
Think about it: it’s like being married to an alcoholic while joining the Mother’s Against Drunk Driving movement. Or, like dating a pro-lifer while working at an abortion clinic.
Yes, the irony is just that serious – and worth the effort to give her program a fair chance and a good, old-fashioned “wait and see.”
Melania Trump is, IMO, as phony as her husband and a $3 bill…and so too is her promoting an “anti-bullying” message, when she knows darn well (as does the whole world), that she’s married to the world’s biggest fake-azz bully.
With Trump and his family, it’s all about gimmicks and “marketing” and theater – which is why Trump’s takeover of the Republican party proved to be one of the easiest -if not THE easiest- con-jobs he’s ever pulled off.
Yeah she must be stupid or else she is really trying to tell Trump something. Because anybody in their right mind already knows Trump is the biggest bully there is. Like Truth always says he is a fake alpha male and he didn’t just start being one yesterday. He probably is the same way at home and with anybody he is around. So she knows what is up. But maybe she is trying to send him a message who knows.