
Roy Moore And Delusional Alabama Voters

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Today, Alabama voters will go to the polls and cast their ballot for either a child molesting sexual predator or a Democrat.  For them, the choice is clear:  Roy Moore, child molester!

Yes, Alabamians are so brainwashed by the likes of Donald Trump and Fox News, they would rather have a Republican sexual pervert representing them in the US Senate than a qualified and experienced candidate from another party.  To them, at least he’s not a Democrat.

Roy Moore

Interestingly, the people of Alabama have convinced themselves that the multiple stories and charges of sexual misconduct against Republican Roy Moore is all “fake news” concocted by the “liberal media.” They have taken pride in broadcasting to the world that the people of Alabama are too smart to fall for such trickery as “facts” and “evidence” presented by the liberal media, including all these “made up claims” by all these “made up women.” However, what’s even more interesting is that these same voters were the first to believe all of the #MeToo women who came forward recently and successfully got the likes of John Conyers and Al Franken removed from their career posts in Congress.

So, exactly how does this make sense?  It doesn’t!

Roy MooreAlabama voters see themselves in Roy Moore, so they are more prone to elect him tonight.  In fact, some voters went on record to say what Moore did wasn’t so wrong because THEY too dated teenagers while they were in their 30’s.


National Republicans are already calling tonight’s election a no-win situation.  National Democrats are already calling tonight’s loss by Doug Jones a win for their party in the big picture.  With the inbred mentality of Alabama voters believing their own versions of the truth (while totally ignoring the truth that’s slapping them in the face), this election is already over.  Delusion has won.

Just check out the voters in the video below and see the truth for yourselves.


OK WASSUP! discusses politics:
Alabama sexual predator Roy Moore to be elected today!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. The title said it all. Delusional. Just watching that video gave me a headache. These people are so stupid they don’t even realize what they are saying. The fact they would take a child molester over a Democrat says all you need to know.

  2. Even for a notoriously scandal-ridden and backward state like Alabama, THIS is mighty bad business!

    If the majority of Alabamians voting today actually go thru with electing a child Predator to the U.S. Senate…..(sigh!)…well that’ll say ti all won’t it? And every resident of that state will wear an indelible STAIN. The damage will be catastrophic and irreparable. The economic price they’ll pay will be HUGE.

    My kinfolk down there have voted and are PRAYING that Doug Jones can actually pull out a win. They are cautiously optimistic about his chances but they know it’s a long shot so they’re hoping for the best but bracing for the worse. It’s going to take a great turnout by Blacks, Women and Young adults casting their votes for Jones.

    And as the whole WORLD watches….TONIGHT will tell the story…the True story… of Alabama.

  3. Let am also add………….

    Even setting aside (for a moment) Moore’s history of sexual predatory behavior………

    I’m reminded there are a slew of OTHER factually disturbing reasons why Moore is totally UNFIT to serve in our government in ANY capacity, IMO. We can start with his “REFUSAL to obey federal court orders as an AL Supreme Court judge” which resulted in him being taken down from that position not once but TWICE. That alone should disqualify him.

    As a reader of another site expressed: “It is a rejection of our system of government. If government officials can disregard US Supreme Court orders with which they disagree, we are headed for anarchy or tyranny.”

    But back to his sexual predatory nature. It is also a fact that in cases involving child-molestation and rape, Moore often sided with the accused predator. And why am I NOT surprised?/rhetorical question

    SEE: “In Sex Crimes and Other Cases, Roy Moore Often Sided With Defendants”- NYTimes

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