Comments on: Roy Moore Reveals The REAL Republican Party News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 15 Nov 2017 09:32:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wil Tue, 14 Nov 2017 21:15:25 +0000 USA Today:
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday did not rule out trying to expel Roy Moore if the Alabama Republican wins a U.S. Senate seat in that state’s special election next month.

“He’s obviously not fit to be in the United States Senate,” the Kentucky Republican told reporters on Tuesday. “And we’ve looked at all the options to try to prevent that from happening.”

McConnell and other Republicans in Washington are trying to push Moore to drop out of the Alabama Senate race in the wake of allegations that the controversial ex-judge pursued sexual relationships with four teenage girls when he was in his early 30s. A fifth woman said on Monday that Moore assaulted her when she was a 16-year-old high school student working as a waitress at a restaurant that Moore, then a prosecutor, frequented.

By: Mr.BD Tue, 14 Nov 2017 20:16:52 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

Trump is quiet on this because how can a sex predator judge another sex predator? The whole thing is a joke.

By: Mr.BD Tue, 14 Nov 2017 20:15:34 +0000 See this is what is wrong with the Repubs. They are a bunch of hipocrites. They preach the bible and how christian they are but go and make up excuses to fit what they are doing wrong. How can anybody fix their mouth to say what Roy Moore did was ok because Mary and Joseph did it? Like Truth said that means they don’t really believe the bible because the story is Joseph never touched Mary. But no matter because the law is the law and he was breaking it. This whole thing makes me mad because here they are preaching one thing but doing another. That is why so many Repubs who are the biggest ones agains gay end up getting caught doing something gay themselves. Anyway good luck Repubs because Roy Moore is just going to drag your party down even more.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 14 Nov 2017 18:05:58 +0000 Editorial in 3 Alabama newspapers blasts Moore as ‘unfit for public office’

An editorial published by three of Alabama’s largest newspapers on Monday called Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore “grossly unfit for office” in the wake of allegations that he initiated sexual encounters with girls as young as 14 when he was in his 30s.

“Roy Moore simply cannot be a U.S. Senator. Even if his party and many of its adherents still think it possible, it is unthinkable — for his state, and his country,” wrote the editorial board, which feeds newspapers in Birmingham, Mobile and Huntsville. “Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is a consideration for the courtroom, not the ballot box. When choosing our representative before the rest of the world, character matters.” – Politico

I have very deep roots in Alabama, on my mother’s side – a lot of my kinfolk still live down there. But they are not now, nor have they ever been Roy Moore voters. They respected his military service but these allegations sullied even that a bit in the minds of some people.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 14 Nov 2017 17:25:06 +0000 “Trump faces big choice on Moore’s fate”

President Trump is set to play a decisive role in the Republican battle over Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore — if he chooses to do so.

Trump, who so far has declined to directly address the allegations against Moore, is facing pressure from both sides. […] – The Hill

Well this ought to be fun to watch in a twisted sorta way. Just how does an ADMITTED sexual predator “address the allegations” made against another (probable) sexual predator of his own party?

Atta boy Roy? /sarc

Seriously though. Trump has no more say-so over Roy Moore’s fate than that ridicules patch of hair on Trump’s head.
