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Ruby And Shaye Take Giuliani To The Cleaners

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Congratulations to Ruby and Shaye — America’s newest millionaires!

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Yes, thanks to the absolute stupidity of Rudy Giuliani on behalf of Donald Trump and his sordid lies, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss are now officially in the 7-figure club. That’s due to the mother-daughter duo winning a defamation case and reaching a settlement against Rudy, who claimed Ruby and Shaye tampered with voting ballots (and cheated Trump out of a win) while serving as election workers in Georgia during the 2020 presidential election.

Ruby And Shaye

Giuliani inserted himself into Donald Trump’s lie that election victory was stolen from him due to widespread fraud — a claim that was never proven and was eventually shot down by the courts. So, instead of minding his own business and not allowing Trump to take him down over face-saving falsehoods, Rudy has been ordered to hand over several precious personal items to Ruby and Shaye.

According to CNN, Judge Lewis Liman of the federal court in Manhattan ruled that Giuliani must turn over his multi-million dollar penthouse apartment to Ruby and Shaye within 7 days. More specifically, ownership of the luxury property will be forcibly transferred to the ladies so that they may sell it for millions of dollars in profit.

Giuliani must also turn over a collection of expensive watches, including those given to him by European presidents after the September 11, 2001, attacks; a signed Joe DiMaggio jersey and other sports memorabilia; and a 1980 Mercedes once owned by Hollywood star Lauren Bacall. Additionally, several televisions, furniture pieces, and personal jewelry items must also be surrendered.   

Ruby And Shaye

Other personal effects owned by Giuliani — including a set of Yankees World Series rings from 1996, 1998, 1999, and 2000 — could also be liquidated in order to satisfy the $148 million judgment Giuliani owes the 2 Black women from Georgia.

“The road to justice for Ruby and Shaye has been long, but they have never wavered,” Aaron Nathan, a lawyer for Freeman and Moss, said in a statement Tuesday. “This outcome should send a powerful message that there is a price to pay for those who choose to intentionally spread disinformation.”

Ruby And Shaye

Legal observers believe Rudy Giuliani will never have enough money or assets to pay the 2 women the full judgment against him. However, it’s all but certain he will likely go broke trying to pay whatever he can with whatever assets he has left.

Can you spell S-T-U-P-I-D?

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Yes, I saw this news reported last evening and couldn’t feel happier for Lady Ruby and her daughter Shay Moss!

As pointed out in DJ’s post, those 2 ladies have literally had their world turned upside down and lives filled with Fear, as a result of the most insidious accusations (based on outright lies) against them made by Giuliani in Service to Trump who is such a mucked up and Dishonest creature that it boggles the mind how Anyone claiming to be of sound mind and reasonable intelligence could ever vote for that dangerous, lying azz fool!?!

But I digress.

I’m happy for the ladies!

Last edited 1 day ago by Truthiz1

Now – about Giuliani…..

DJ asked: “Can you spell S-T-U-P-I-D?”

And because DJ is DJ there he goes being much too kind again! Lol

Please don’t get me wrong. Giuliani is definitely “Stupid.” But more than anything Giuliani is a L-O-S-E-R.

And not just a LOSER. But, like his FAKE Fuerer or FAKE El Duce, Giuliani is in a LOSER league created specifically for LOSERS of the lowest, of the lowest character! 😒


My apologies! I need to correct the spelling of “Fuhrer.”

….his Fake Fuhrer or….

Last edited 3 hours ago by Truthiz1

Going off topic for just a moment…..

Apparently the decisiom-makers at FAUX Noise has decided that that tv network must devolve further down the raw sewage hole by morhing into the “Hitler did some good things too” news network, in an effort to support their Nazi-admiring leader, Trump, who’s made it no secret in expressing such! 😳

You simply cannot make this stuff up…smh!


This is too funny. But karma always wins. I am very happy these ladies got rewarded for all they had to go through.

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