Rudy Giuliani Meltdown Goes Viral
Don’t look now, but the Rudy Giuliani meltdown has broken the internet.
Current Events
Playing quarterback for the Donald “I-Won-The-Election” Trump buffoonery to steal the presidency from President-elect Joe Biden, Uncle Rudy held a manic press conference on Thursday ranting and raving that no matter how many times they recounted the votes, ‘The Donald’ really won re-election.
Needless to say, it did not go well.
Aside from veering on and off topic like a drunken sailor on a wayward ship and quoting obscure lines from the movie “My Cousin Vinny,” Giuliani broke out into a frenetic sweat that would have rivaled Niagara Falls. However, his lies soon got the best of him — as did the cheap hair dye he was using, which trickled freely down both cheeks.
Somehow believing that his 76-year-old self could pull off sporting jet-black hair without anyone being the wiser, the clueless Giuliani spent several press conference minutes oblivious to his dripping hair. Still, he somehow managed to wipe it off in a serendipitous attempt to stop the sweating.
“Was his hair dye dripping? Was his brain shitting itself?” – Trevor Noah, The Daily Show
The Rudy Giuliani meltdown is yet another footnote in the Donald Trump 3-Ring-Circus and a pathetic end to the Trump temper tantrum the MAGA flunkies continue to stage on behalf of their loser candidate in the Oval Office.
Now, the man once deemed ‘America’s Mayor’ has gone from the Four Seasons Total Landscaping catastrophe to an embarrassing cheap hair dye meltdown.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
(Sigh!) Lordy what an utter HOT mess that was….lol
Of course, I laugh to keep from crying at the untold damaged those demented Clowns (Trump and his sycophants -Miller, Giuliani and others) are doing to Our country and Our democracy.
And the Repub leadership is too craven and cowardly to stand up to Trump. Just a sad and pathetic state of affairs!
And the world continues watching……smh.
Now regarding Giuliani specifically…….(pause)……I’m with Joe Scarborough on this.
Is there no one who cares about this man who can step in and help save him from Himself?! Because he certainly APPEARS to be experiencing some degree of cognitive diminishment. Just look at his behavior….not just yesterday but throughout Trump’s farce of a presidency.
Giuliani’s reputation is now nearly shot all to H*ll. And I can’t believe he meant to destroy himself in front of the entire nation and the whole world!?!
I just can’t believe that.
Oh how the mighty has fallen is right. Why is he always sweating like it is a hundred degrees everywhere he goes? And why did nobody on that stage try to tell him he was dripping black stuff out his head? LOL Oh brother. Rudy and Trump are made for each other because they both are clowns and will both die being a joke people laugh at.