Comments on: Rudy Giuliani Meltdown Goes Viral News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 23 Nov 2020 04:07:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr.BD Fri, 20 Nov 2020 16:05:12 +0000 Oh how the mighty has fallen is right. Why is he always sweating like it is a hundred degrees everywhere he goes? And why did nobody on that stage try to tell him he was dripping black stuff out his head? LOL Oh brother. Rudy and Trump are made for each other because they both are clowns and will both die being a joke people laugh at.

By: Truthiz1 Fri, 20 Nov 2020 14:16:56 +0000 Now regarding Giuliani specifically…….(pause)……I’m with Joe Scarborough on this. 

Is there no one who cares about this man who can step in and help save him from Himself?! Because he certainly APPEARS to be experiencing some degree of cognitive diminishment. Just look at his behavior….not just yesterday but throughout Trump’s farce of a presidency. 

Giuliani’s reputation is now nearly shot all to H*ll. And I can’t believe he meant to destroy himself in front of the entire nation and the whole world!?! 

I just can’t believe that. 

By: Truthiz1 Fri, 20 Nov 2020 13:59:02 +0000 (Sigh!) Lordy what an utter HOT mess that was….lol

Of course, I laugh to keep from crying at the untold damaged those demented Clowns (Trump and his sycophants -Miller, Giuliani and others) are doing to Our country and Our democracy. 

And the Repub leadership is too craven and cowardly to stand up to Trump. Just a sad and pathetic state of affairs! 

And the world continues watching……smh. 
