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It looks more and more like White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel will definitely be making a run for his dream job as Mayor of Chicago. And interestingly, reports are he could make that official announcement and leave his White House post as early as this week!

Emanuel has long coveted the Mayoral job of his hometown, but never thought it could be possible with the job under lock and key for many years by the popular incumbent Mayor Richard Daley. But when Daley recently announced he was ready to retire, it was an unexpected omen to Rahm that perhaps his time had come.

Rahm Emanuel has an extremely high pressure job as Chief of Staff at the White House — a job he has been very vocal of late in making known has him burned out. His family also never made the move to Washington with him, so he has kids back in Chicago whose lives he feels he’s missing out on.  For a man who’s in a job he dislikes, who has always pined for a job that has just come available, the writing is pretty much already on the wall for this one.

But the most interesting part of this news is, not only could this be a positive move for Rahm Emanuel (who would almost certainly win in Chicago), but it might actually be a blessing in disguise for President Obama and his administration. The Chief of Staff is basically in charge of managing the White House and its staff, as well as the President and his schedule.  For months, critics have claimed the White House is misguided, has lost its direction; and President Obama has lost his “mo-jo.”  So putting a fresh new face at the wheel to steer the White House, particularly with many Democratic losses expected in November, could be just the thing Mr. Obama and his White House needs to right the ship.



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Gonna be a good day for Pres. Obama. They need some new leadership in the White House so this works out to be a good thing for everybody involved.

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