Is there a Russian bounty on the heads of the men and women of the United States military?
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Multiple US news sources have reported that a covert Russian GRU military unit paid the Taliban to kill US troops in Afghanistan on their behalf. However, what’s even more disturbing is that Donald Trump allegedly knew about the Russian bounty and did absolutely nothing to stop it FOR MONTHS!!
The political sticking point regarding Trump is the old adage of “Did he, or didn’t he”? — meaning, was he as shocked by the news as the rest of us, or did he know about it and simply choose to ignore it? Interestingly, it appears to be a little bit of both.
Reports of a Russian bounty first appeared in Trump’s daily intelligence briefing back in February. However, because he has a short attention span and gets easily bored with data (and other bits of information any functional US president should know), it’s very possible Trump never knew about it because he refuses to actually read any briefing.
“Many suspect Trump was intent on appeasing Vladimir Putin, his sinister chum in the Kremlin, who the former British MI6 spy Christopher Steele alleges has some kind of personal or financial hold on the president. Maybe it’s simpler: he just wasn’t paying attention when his NSC intelligence officers briefed him. Either way, Trump failed in his duty as commander-in-chief to protect military personnel serving their country in Afghanistan, and who were placed in harm’s way in a conflict that, despite his promises, he has failed to end.” – Simon Tisdall, The Guardian
In a lukewarm attempt to save face and defend the ignorance and absolute failed leadership of Donald Trump, the White House predictably pushed back against reports that the current commander-in-chief is merely going through the motions when he should be on the job.
“This President, I will tell you, is the most informed person on planet Earth when it comes to the threats we face,” White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said on Tuesday. “He is constantly being informed and briefed on intelligence matters. But I’m not going to allow The New York Times to dictate when we give top-secret information and don’t give top-secret information.”
CNN is reporting that a former senior administration official — who was part of the team that delivers intelligence briefings to the Oval Office — said Trump typically relies on a graphic-driven summation of current threats accompanied by an oral briefing, instead of reading through the material compiled by national security aides. Or, in other words, Donald Trump needs a child’s picture book to hold his attention and any presentation with adult words will only lose him.
“He processes things by discussing them,” the official said. “So the presentation of the presidential daily briefing has been tailored to that. The briefers will always want to get key points across. But he drives discussion how he wants.”
Does Trump act in America’s interest or his own?
Military veterans across the US are up in arms over reports that Donald Trump either knowingly or ignorantly placed American soldiers in harm’s way. Former vice-president and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden was also fuming at the news.
“If he [Trump] was briefed and nothing was done about this, that’s a dereliction of duty,” Mr. Biden said on Tuesday.
Are these reports of a Russian bounty against the US military all just make-believe as the Trump team wants us to believe? Did Donald Trump miss the warnings about the Kremlin death-contract against military lives because the intelligence briefings just don’t interest him or hold his attention? Or, does Vladimir Putin truly have Trump by the balls with a boatload of damning evidence against him that has forced ‘The Donald’ to make a deal with the devil by trading in the lives of the US armed forces?
[Are these reports of a Russian bounty against the US military all just make-believe as the Trump team wants us to believe?] Umm…No. Of course not.
[Did Donald Trump miss the warnings about the Kremlin death-contract against military lives because the intelligence briefings just don’t interest him or hold his attention?]
No. He didn’t miss a thing. Bolton laid it out for him back March 2019.
[Or, does Vladimir Putin truly have Trump by the balls with a boatload of damning evidence against him that has forced ‘The Donald’ to make a deal with the devil by trading in the lives of the US armed forces?]
Bingo! Putin’s got him “by the balls” AND the throat.
As I have expressed before – Trump is a Russian stooge and a Traitor to Our country.
I saw this earlier but I had to go away to think about what I could say that has not already been said before. Trump needs to go is all I can think of. He cannot get out fast enough for me.