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Ryan Lochte Attacked on ‘Dancing With The Stars’

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Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte attacked on live TV
Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte is attacked on live TV

Current Events –
Ryan Lochte Attacked on
‘Dancing With The Stars’

Olympic gold medalist, Ryan Lochte, may have been ready to move on from his fake “robbed at gunpoint” fabrication from this summer’s Rio games, but at least some in the general public aren’t quite ready to let the lie go.

Current Events
Swimmer Ryan Lochte joined this season’s cast of “Dancing With The Stars” as a means to rebuild his sinking image, regain the trust of his fleeting fans, and salvage some of his evaporating endorsements.  The move was widely seen as a great way of getting back into the public’s good graces. However, what Lochte and the ABC executives who cast him didn’t realize is that not everyone was ready to brush his embarrassing fiasco under the rug without repercussion.

ryan-lochte-dancingDuring Monday’s live episode of the popular ballroom dancing competition, Ryan Lochte and his partner Cheryl Burke had just completed their debut dance when all hell broke loose. As judge Carrie Ann Inaba delivered her comments, several spectators rushed the stage and attacked Lochte in protest of his participation, prompting a scuffle onstage but off-camera.

“Excuse me, excuse me,” a stunned Inaba said as members of the ABC security team rushed to the stage to tackle the protesters.  Host Tom Bergeron, who was visibly caught off guard by the live attack attempted to save face by saying, “We’ll take a quick break and then get the rest of the judges’ comments. Take a deep breath.”

Upon return from the extended commercial break, Bergeron told the television audience: “We had to go to break because we had a little incident. I’d like to personally thank our security team for staying in shape.”

Following the unscheduled break, Inaba added: “We are only here to judge your ballroom dancing, I want you to know that.”

Current Events
Sam Sododeh and Barzeen Soroudi of Los Angeles were both arrested on trespassing charges after they charged the stage in protest of Lochte’s appearance. A handful of other “anti-Lochte” protesters were also escorted out of the studio. Although Ryan Lochte and his dance partner stayed silent and calm during the surprise attack, he did address the incident after the show.

Sam Sododeh and Barzeen Soroudi

“So many feelings are going through my head right now, Lochte said. “A little hurt. I came out here and wanted to do something I’m completely not comfortable with and I did and I came out here with a big smile.”  His partner Cheryl Burke added, “I’m shocked and I’m hurt for Ryan… He’s an amazing guy, he’s great, he’s kind and he’s just here working his butt off and trying to do what he’s supposed to be doing, which is dancing.”

The Olympic swimmer’s appearance on “Dancing With The Stars” came only a few weeks after his self-imposed controversy at the Rio games, where he claimed to be robbed at gunpoint after a night on the town.  He later recanted his story.

Ryan Lochte scored 24 out of 40 possible points for his dancing abilities. However, he also learned a very valuable lesson: he may have moved on from his lying ways in Rio, but the general public has not!



OK WASSUP! covers current events, including
Ryan Lochte attack
on ‘Dancing With The Stars.’


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. I'm not a fan of his and I don't watch dancing with the stars. So all I can say is I guess what goes around comes around.

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