Comments on: Ryan – Trump Meeting A Sham? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 17 May 2016 07:12:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. BD Mon, 16 May 2016 18:59:56 +0000 When you said sham you said it right DJ. The Repubs are so divided right now it's not even funny. Except it is funny. Trump is a ship that is going down and I don't blame Ryan for not wanting to be on it when it does.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 16 May 2016 15:39:34 +0000 Paul Ryan is what passes for a Republican leader of "true conservative principles" despite the fact he's on record as having "voted for every major piece of the Bush administration’s domestic agenda no matter how fiscally irresponsible it was."

So Paul Ryan, IMO, epitomizes Republcanism, which is mostly about packaging, gimmicks (including a sham "Unity" meeting), Fake self-image etc. There is very little-to-NO real substance at all.

And I thinlk a TAC reader hit the nail on the head regarding what Ryan is really up to when it comes to Trump.

TAC Reader
I’m guessing that Paul Ryan is playing both ends against the middle. He probably thinks that Trump will lose and knows that he’ll have to live with the (Crony) Republican Nomenklatura afterwards. So he’d rather not wear the residue of an all out endorsement just yet. However being ambiguous is probably a hedge until Trump’s actual chances against a sclerotic Hillary and her angle of descent become clearer.

If it turns out in August that Trump could actually win, then Ryan will no doubt reassess his position consistent with Daniel’s description of his political temperament. […]

