If you’ve ever heard the same tune played over, and over, and over again, then you’re aware of what it feels like to keep hearing the same old song from Donald Trump.
Politics :
In case you didn’t know, Donald Trump is old and lazy. To clarify, he’s using the same old playbook, the same old name-calling, and the same old attack phrases against Kamala Harris that he used against Joe Biden 4 years ago.

Want proof? Check out the video below from John Stewart of The Daily Show to see for yourself.
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Trump keeps singing the same old song.
Yep, the “same old song.” Same old shtick.
To borrow a thought from Susan Gasser (writer at The New Yorker): “Trump is the best surrogate for Kamala Harris.” Every time he opens his mouth he makes the case for rejecting his corrupt and deranged behind and electing her for President.
Please keep talking Donald!