Yesterday, the Kentucky Republican once again prevented a vote on a bill that would extend eligibility for enhanced unemployment benefits and subsidized health insurance for laid-off workers by 30 days. What makes this particularly important is that if Congress fails to pass an extension, an estimated 1.2 million people will lose their benefits this month. In fact, Bunning’s inaction could cause thousands of people to miss their unemployment checks as early as this week. And he’s not alone in his thinking. Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona, the Republican whip, argued that unemployment benefits dissuade people from job-hunting “because people are being paid even though they’re not working.” Hmmm…
“Six times last week, Democrats asked to extend their unemployment benefits for a short time while they work on a longer extension,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said. “Six times, Republicans said no. They didn’t just say no to us, that is members of the Senate. They said no to their families in their own states and all our states count on us to act when we need action. They count on us to respond in the event of an emergency. This is an emergency. The Republicans in the Senate are standing between these families and the help they need while these benefits expire and expired.”
So, Sen. Bunning, who is not running for reelection, would rather play the politics of obstructionism just to prove a point, than to help those constituents most in need who he was actually sent to Capitol Hill to (supposedly) serve.
If being an asshole won awards, this guy is the winner hands down! WATCH:
After watching that video this guy has now p'eed me off!How is it we have laws where ONE person can screw up everything?
Anon:"WHY IS THIS GUY IN OFFICE?"BINGO! You took the words right outta my mouth_smh.The truth is, no matter how corrupt, despicable, UNntelligent, perverse _and dare I say_NOT of “sound” mind many of today’s politicians seem to be, American VOTERS vote these disastrous and dangerous POSERS into office time-and-time-again! IMO, Bunning typifies what now passes for “representation of the people, by the people, for the people” these days. Simply put, he's "a god unto himself." While the world looks on in amazement (I’m sure) at the sheer IDIOCY of U.S. politics (I’m so embarrassed), a nation continues its decline_smh.