Comments on: San Bernardino Shooting Was Terrorism News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 08 Dec 2015 08:01:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Random White Guy Mon, 07 Dec 2015 22:17:30 +0000 Just heard Trump is wanting to stop all Muslims from coming in. I'm a Republican but I have to admit this is stupid and not gonna help our party at all.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 07 Dec 2015 20:12:37 +0000 Before I take the President AND the Repubs to task let me say….

Great post DJ. Your points are On Point and IMO, you've pretty much hit it outta the park.

Now. about the President………

I think it most unfortunate that he was FORCED to address the nation last night. And make no mistake about it, he was forced to do it. Republicans have relentlessly attacked him for being "soft on radical Islamic terrorism" and "out of touch" with the growing "Fears" and anxieties of most (White) Americans.

And while I find the President's calm temperament to be one of his best qualities….there are times when I feel he's too "cool," perhaps even dismissive, for his own good or for that of the nation. His earlier claims of ISIS/ISIL being "contained" and his view of that deadly group as a "JV" team was arrogant, dangerously naive and extremely irresponsible, to say the least.

On the other hand…..

I find the complete OVER-reaction of a Republican party (who appears to be scared sh*tless of their own shadow and sees Islamic terrorists EVERYWHERE) to be alarming and sickening.

PLEASE somebody…ANYBODY…..explain to me, how is it that, with over 300 MILLION GUNS..all kinds of GUNS…in the hands of gun-loving Americans, so many of those same Americans are still so easily spooked?!

I do NOT get it!?!…smh.

Are there Evil people out there h*ll bent on causing death, mayhem and destruction? Yes.

But the truth is, as of 12-2-15 (the day of this mass shooting) at least 352 other MASS-shootings had taken place THIS YEAR alone in America. And this year ain't even over yet!

So what made THIS mass-shooting worthy of national attention, 24/7, FOR DAYS? (and to the exclusion of other DOMESTIC mass-shootings…including a mass shooting in Savannah. GA on that very same day)

The answer is obvious. THIS tragedy feeds into the "Islamic terrorists" boogie-man narrative exploited by cynical charlatans of assorted ilk for political gain, higher ratings, $$$ and Power. End of story.

All in all….a very sad state of affairs going on in this country…My country…right now..smh.

Source: Mass Shootings Tracker
"built by members of the social-sharing site Reddit, and which uses news reports as sources — defines a mass shooting as any incident, anywhere, in which at least four people are shot, but not necessarily killed."

By: Mr. BD Mon, 07 Dec 2015 20:05:32 +0000 Hear hear DJ. You hit the nail on the head on all points. Especially on Donald Trump and the Repubs opening their big mouth.
