Sandra Bland Arrest Video = Lessons Learned
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Sandra Bland Arrest Video = Lessons Learned
The newly released arrest video of Sandra Bland has answered a variety of questions while providing a very valuable learning lesson for all.
Current Events
While driving through Texas on July 10th, Sandra Bland was stopped by a police officer for a minor traffic infraction. As the dash cam video proves, the officer quickly became physical with Bland and arrested her. Sandra Bland was later found dead in her jail cell under mysterious circumstances. In fact, authorities are now calling it a suicide by hanging, which is questionable.
After watching the video, it is very clear the police officer was overly aggressive and should have handled the situation and his emotions much more carefully. No, Sandra Bland did not have to put out her cigarette. Yes, Sandra Bland was correct when she said “I refuse to talk to you other than to identify myself.” No, the officer had no authority to forcibly yank Sandra Bland out of her vehicle. However, there is a life lesson in the video for African-Americans and everyone across the nation to understand and adhere to. In a one-on-one situation on the street between you and a cop, right may not always prevail.
From the videotaped strangulation of Eric Garner in Staten Island, to the outright murder of Walter Scott in Charleston, SC, police have delivered the message loud and clear that they will kill whoever shows them the slightest resistance or perceived disrespect. Granted, not every police officer is bad, but there are those who will pull the trigger without blinking an eye. So, it’s time to think of police in the same way we think of a common criminal on the street.
In each of the police killings, the now deceased black person either raised their voice or their hands to signify they didn’t appreciate the tone or actions of the officer. That is where they went wrong. No one would EVER do that with a street criminal, so why do it with police? When dealing with police, most of us believe in justice, in rules and in right or wrong. However, it’s time to throw that mentality away. Street criminals make their own rules and now, so do police. Don’t let death be the end result of a bad decision.
Current Events
If a gun-toting criminal approached us on the street, we’d all speak calmly, become extremely cooperative and basically do everything in our power to defuse the situation, right? Well, these rules now apply to dealing with police. Raising your voice, flailing your hands, reaching into your pocket, or otherwise seeming as if you’re not cooperating can get you killed when dealing with a street criminal. Recent events have proven it can also get you killed when dealing with a street cop.
We all know police frequently cross the line and do a lot of things wrong. However, trying to call them on it and flex your legal rights on the spot is no longer the way to go — especially when it’s only you and him present and he has a gun. Just like with a criminal, it’s best to FULLY cooperate with police, almost to the point of going overboard. It’s best to speak in a calm manner and seem completely non-threatening. It’s also best to keep your hands in full view and to not make any sudden movements. Once the altercation is over and you are on your way, THAT is when you can assess any wrong the officer may have committed against you. That is when you can contact a lawyer and commence legal action if need be.
You’d never tell a street criminal he was in the wrong to approach you, or that he was breaking the law by asking you questions, etc. Those words could get you killed quickly. Well, times have proven those words can now get you killed just as quickly by police too. So, it’s time to make a change.
When it comes down to it, the question is this: Would you rather prove yourself right and a cop wrong, but end up dead? Or would you rather let the cop have his power trip and you seek recourse after the fact, but you’re still alive?? The choice should be clear.
OK WASSUP! covers current events. Today’s article:
Sandra Bland Arrest Video = Lessons Learned.
DJ Your message needs to go VIRAL because you are absolutely correct on ALL points made!!!
Your last paragraph reminded me so much of what my parents…especially my mother….and grandparents drilled into Our heads (my sibs and I) as we entered our teenage years straight through to adulthood. Their message to us went like this:
When faced with a potentially life-threatening situation always STOP and think- is it better to end up right but dead? Or just walk away /comply and LIVE to fight your battle (seek recourse) another day?
I'm sure that message saved my brother's life a many a day/night as he was often stopped by police in a neighboring town simply for being a young Black male driving a really nice car….smh.
I agree with Truthiz1 DJ, this blog needs to go Viral. Unfortunately Sandra Bland lost her life and this is sad. But we as a people need to understand we aren't playing checkers this is a serious game of CHESS. When I watched the video the other day, I knew that it was going to turn out bad when I heard the tone of her voice. Tone is key in these situations. As a black man I have had to deal with Law Enforcement driving thru parts of the country and have been stopped many times, but in each case I interacted with them from a place sound reasoning and didn't allow myself to be goaded into confrontational situations. There is an old saying, "He who turns and runs away lives to fight another day" A good run is better than a bad stand. "Dead Right" serves no purpose, Right can stand on its own. If anyone knows of any groups in NYC that are supporting and teaching effective ways to deal with Law Enforcement interactions with civilians please give me a heads up. I would like to volunteer some of my time in helping to educate.
Be Good