In what may be one of the oddest and damning moves of all time, former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky went public to discuss the sexual molestation charges involving him with at least 8 young boys. And it wasn’t pretty!
On Monday, TV host Bob Costas was all set to interview Sandusky attorney Joseph Amendola for the NBC newsmagazine show Rock Center. But only moments before the interview, Amendola asked Costas if he’d like Sandusky to join them in the interview via telephone — an opportunity Costas eagerly accepted. And that’s when things got odd.
Costas asked very direct and pointed questions of Sandusky and the former football coach attempted to answer each of them. But his answers did nothing to help his standing in the community, and may have actually completely hurt his chances in a court of law.
Costas asked Sandusky point blank if he’d ever molested any young boys, to which Sandusky replied no. Costas then asked Sandusky if he was sexually attracted to young boys, but that’s where Sandusky ran into trouble. First he paused. Then he re-stated the question, seeming to utilize a well known stall tactic by someone still trying to formulate an answer. Sandusky finally stumbled his way through to an answer, rambling off a haphazard statement that he was attracted to the young boys, but just not in a sexual way. Hmmm…
Sandusky then went on to admit that he has showered with young boys, has hugged them while both were naked in the shower, has placed his hands on their thighs and more. But he concluded that all of this was acceptable behavior since he fancies himself as a young jock — as one of the boys. Needless to say, by now the damage to his credibility was already done.
There is so much wrong here that it’s hard to pinpoint where to begin. What could Sandusky have been thinking, when he decided that going on national television and explaining how he showered naked with minors and hugged them while naked would all be widely perceived as normal? And what could his lawyer have been thinking when he decided to even let Sandusky speak on national television, where his statements can and will be used against him in a court of law? But sitting next to Bob Costas in the NBC studios was attorney Joseph Amendola, who may have just helped put the final nail in Sandusky’s guilty coffin.
<span><span>In a word: That interview is Creepy. Sandusky (and his lawyer for that matter) are real gems. The sooner Sandusky is put on trial, Convicted and sent to prision for life, the better! And in other related "adding insult to injury" news……. AP: "Paterno in line for $500,000 plus pension" Former Penn State football coach Joe Paterno's long service at the university theoretically puts him in line for a pension of more than $500,000 a year, according to an Associated Press analysis of state public pension records. </span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>Separately, </span><span>The New York Times reported Tuesday night that Paterno transferred full ownership of his house to his wife, Sue, for $1 in July (of this year). The couple had previously held joint ownership of the house. Paterno's attorney Wick Sollers told the paper in an e-mail that the transfer had nothing to do with the scandal but was part of an ongoing "multiyear estate planning program." [….] </span> <span></span> <span>Read: </span>http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45321304/ns/us_news-c…<span></span></span><span><span>Sure it didn't have anything to do with this brewing scandal Joe. Tell me anything. (rolling my eyes)</span></span>