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Sandy Hook Hero Attacked

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A hero in the Sandy Hook shooting spree has now become the target of conspiracy theorists, who are attacking the man as an “actor” in what they say was a government sponsored tragedy aimed at swaying public opinion on gun control.

Gene Rosen, a 69-year-old retired psychologist who lives near the Sandy Hook Elementary School, says he had just finished feeding his cats at about 9:30 a.m., when he saw 6 little children “sitting in a neat semicircle” at the end of his driveway.  When he approached the children, one little boy said “We can’t go back to school.  Our teacher is dead.”

Rosen immediately took the 4 girls and 2 boys into his home and gave them toys he kept for his grandchildren, as he tried to reach their parents.  He later told his story to a variety of media outlets who were on hand in the wake of the shootings. “I wanted to speak about the bravery of the children,” Rosen said.

Now, conspiracy theorists and fanatics who are afraid that the Sandy Hook massacre will successfully limit guns in America, are claiming that the shooting was a government staged hoax and that Rosen is a paid bit player in the scheme.  A quick Google search by these fanatics uncovered Rosen’s home address, email and phone number, placing a bullseye on the innocent senior citizen who merely came to the aid of some children in need.

“I don’t know what to do,” Rosen said. “I’m getting hang-up calls, I’m getting some calls, I’m getting emails with, not direct threats, but accusations that I’m lying, that I’m a crisis actor, ‘How much am I being paid?’”

The perplexed Rosen shared some of the emails and vitriol he is receiving daily:

How are all those little students doing? You know, the ones that showed up at your house after the ‘shooting’. What is the going rate for getting involved in a gov’t sponsored hoax anyway?

Another read:

…if this was a false flag event designed to move political opinion on gun control, here in America, then you would get a lot more bang for your buck by talking about the innocent little children. That’s what tugs on America’s heart strings the most … especially around Christmas time.

“The quantity of the material is overwhelming,” Rosen said, who is now understandably concerned about safety for himself and his family.  He has since found it necessary to seek the advice of a retired state police officer and intends to alert the FBI.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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